Auction 211
October 1 - 8, 2011
- (-) Remove Overseas filter Overseas
- Afghanistan (2) Apply Afghanistan filter
- Argentina (1) Apply Argentina filter
- Bolivia (2) Apply Bolivia filter
- Brazil (2) Apply Brazil filter
- Cambodia (1) Apply Cambodia filter
- Central America (2) Apply Central America filter
- Chile (1) Apply Chile filter
- China Empire and Republic (58) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Colombia (3) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (2) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Ecuador (3) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (5) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (1) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (1) Apply Haiti filter
- Iran (1) Apply Iran filter
- Iraq (2) Apply Iraq filter
- Israel (21) Apply Israel filter
- Japan (6) Apply Japan filter
- Jordan (26) Apply Jordan filter
- Korea (1) Apply Korea filter
- Kuwait (4) Apply Kuwait filter
- Laos (1) Apply Laos filter
- Lebanon (25) Apply Lebanon filter
- Libya (1) Apply Libya filter
- Marshall Islands (1) Apply Marshall Islands filter
- Mexico (1) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (1) Apply Morocco filter
- Nicaragua (1) Apply Nicaragua filter
- North Korea (1) Apply North Korea filter
- Oman (4) Apply Oman filter
- Pakistan (10) Apply Pakistan filter
- Palau Islands (1) Apply Palau Islands filter
- Panama (1) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (1) Apply Paraguay filter
- Qatar (3) Apply Qatar filter
- Ryu-Kyu (1) Apply Ryu-Kyu filter
- Saudi Arabia (3) Apply Saudi Arabia filter
- Scadta (1) Apply Scadta filter
- South America (8) Apply South America filter
- South Korea (1) Apply South Korea filter
- Sudan (2) Apply Sudan filter
- Syria (41) Apply Syria filter
- Taiwan (2) Apply Taiwan filter
- Tannu Tuva (1) Apply Tannu Tuva filter
- Thailand (6) Apply Thailand filter
- UN (13) Apply UN filter
- United Arab Emirates (2) Apply United Arab Emirates filter
- United States of America (40) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (1) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (4) Apply Venezuela filter
- Vietnam (2) Apply Vietnam filter
- Yemen (1) Apply Yemen filter
Displaying 97 - 108 of 327
Auction 211
Opening: 60 €
Maury T9A,9
0 1
Type Duval 75 centimes op 10 centimes (erreur) in blok met 50 centimes op 10 centimes (3x), pracht ex. (bovenste paar *, onderste paar ** incl. T9a), cat.w. 286
Auction 211
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 210 €
Michel 1 B
1 M
Herdenking 1e vlucht Marseille - Beiroet 1938, 4x 10 piaster ongetand velletje, vrijwel pracht ex. (enkele gomvouwtjes, minimaal hoekvouwtje), cat.w. 1200
Auction 211
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 230 €
Maury BF2
Onafhankelijkheid 1942 President Taj Eddin el Hassani, zonder gom zoals uitgegeven, vrijwel pracht ex. (1 bruin puntje) - zeldzaam blok -, oplage slechts 200 ex., cat.w. 750
Auction 211
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
Maury BF2A-B
President Taj Eddin el Hassani 1942, 6 en 15 piaster, zonder gom zoals uitgegeven, pracht ex. - zeldzame blokken - , oplage slechts 200 ex., cat.w. 1000
Auction 211
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Maury BF2C
2 M
President Tai Eddin el Hassani 1942, 10 piaster zonder gom zoals uitgegeven, pracht ex. - zeldzaam blok - , cat.w. 750
Auction 211
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Maury BF3-4
0 M
President Koualty 1944, 200 en 500 piaster, cat.w. 750
Auction 211
Opening: 125 €
Sold for: 135 €
Maury BF3-4
6 M
President Koualty 1944, 200 en 500 piaster met 1e dagstempel Damas 19-5-1944, pracht ex., cat.w. -/-
Auction 211
Opening: 50 €
Sold for: 65 €
Michel B24
Herverkiezing Shukri Bey al-Quwatli 1948, met 1e dagstempel 23-6-1948, pracht ex., cat.w. 250
Auction 211
Opening: 60 €
Sold for: 90 €
Michel B26
0 M
75 jaar Wereldpostvereniging (UPU) 1949, vrijwel pracht ex. (enkele min. bruine puntjes), - zeldzaam blok - , cat.w. 360
Auction 211
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Michel B29-31
Installatie Aleppo waterleiding 7,50 t/m 30 piaster, cat.w. 1050
Auction 211
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Michel B32-34
0 M
Herdenking evacuatie buitenlandse troepen 35 t/m 75 piaster, cat.w. 1050
Auction 211
Opening: 2.000 €
Sold for: 4.200 €
Mooie collectie 1919-1937 zowel */** als gestempeld verzameld met veel betere ex. en series, variëteiten etc., met veel gesigneerde ex. in blanco album