Auction 244
June 11-13, 2020
Displaying 265 - 276 of 603
Auction 244
Opening: 50 €
Sold for: 80 €
Envelope with 7½ cent from Utrecht-Station 18.IX.1944 to 's-Hertogenbosch, delayed because of the fighting, with Dutch censor label, on 19.IV.1945 (cancel with open 4) forwarded to Nijmegen, slightly toned
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
Überroller letter with 7½ cent Arnhem-Station 15.IX.1944 to Maurik (sent 2 days before Operation Market Garden), letter fell into Allied hands and was censored by the Dutch, geopend door den censuurdienst (label opened by the censor service), written note ontv 14.6.45 (received 6.14.45)
Auction 244
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 500 €
10 letters September-October 1944 with labels and cancels Terug afzender (return to sender), Postverkeer gestaakt (postal traffic obstructed), verzending voorlopig gestaakt (forwarding temporarily obstructed), due to Operation Market Garden and some sent to the southern part of the Netherlands with Dutch censor labels

Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
10 letters 1944-1945 including courier service as governmental envelop with content (cancelled on stamp Ministerie van Financien, Department of Finance), 2 ex. September and October 1944 with English censor label and southern Netherlands period only official mail and period civilian mail permitted
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
3 letters March-April 1945 with Terug afzender on letter to Oosterbeek (delivery mail impossible) and 2 letters to Zaltbommel (due to traffic blocking at the bridge over the Waal)
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
Letter postage free Nederlandse Volksdienst Winterhulp Nederland (Department of Human Services) with content Leeuwarden 26 January 1945, about sending 20.000 children from the western part of the country to the different committees in the province of Friesland

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
11 letters with US 6 c franking to US, all with APO from the Netherlands as 30 (Heerlen), 151 (Maastricht), 252 (Nieuwenhagen), 255 (Hoensbroek), 270 (Gulpen) and 339 (Maastricht) and 1 letter from US to APO 26 returned with written missing in action and cancel return to sender

Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
7 letters July 1944-September 1945, all Überroller including letter to Portugal (censured in Münich and fallen into hands of the Allies, sent back to the Netherlands, recensored and forwarded to Portugal), censored letter Roermond-Rotterdam 11.IX.1944 written Ontvangen 12 juni 1945 (received 12 June 1945), postcard from Switzerland (confiscated by Allied troops and censored in Eindhoven) and red DOOR CENSUUR / VERTRAAGD on unfranked censored letter (15 cent postage due) Hoogeveen-'s-Gravenhage 29.III.1945, delivered on October 11, 1945
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 300 €
Postcard Groningen-Venlo 27.X.1944 with red PER ROODE KRUIS-AUTO (by Red Cross car) and purple Terug afzender/ wegens verbroken/ postverbinding (return sender because of broken postal connection), on October 14 Germans issued an order prohibiting transport of private mail by Red Cross vans
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 170 €
Letter with 5 cent prancing horses, local rate, from Alphen aan de Rijn to Amsterdam by intercity barge VAN DER HORST & VAN DER BIJL, posted and cancelled Amsterdam 21.IV.1945, written Beantwoord 25/5 45 (answered 25/5 45)
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
5 envelopes and 1 postcard from September 1944 including confiscated mail by the Allies (censored), letter by Hindeloopen beurtdienst (Hindeloopen barge service) and Ministerie van Financien (gouvernmental courier service)
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
Label GEOPEND op last van het/ Militair gezag on letter Amsterdam-Venlo 27.VII.1945 (open 4 in arrival cancel Venlo) and written Ret. afz Amsterdam (return sender Amsterdam), at reverse written vertrokken naar Deutschland zonder nader adres (left for Germany without address)