Auction 244
June 11-13, 2020
Displaying 289 - 300 of 603
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 220 €
2 covers sent to Postbus 506 Lissabon (undercover address Thomas Cook) Sep 1940 and Oct 1940 with yellow label attached and forwarded to England, arrival London 12 dec 1940
Auction 244
Opening: 750 €
Sold for: 750 €
Envelope from Berlin 18.4.40 to Postbus 601 Amsterdam with 25 Pf. rate (Postbus 601 was the undercover address of Thomas Cook for forwarding letters to Great Britain), with German (Berlin) and English censor. This P.O. Box was in use in 1940 until the German invasion on May 10. Only a few letters known
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 160 €
Air mail envelope (77½ cent franking, 12½ postage and 2x 32½ per 5 grams) from Haarlem 9.V.1941 (45 cent, on 13.V another 32½ cent for 5-10 grams) to 25 Broadway New York (25 Broadway was the undercover address for sailors on Allied merchant vessels), German censor c (Cöln) and red boxed ZURÜCK/ Briefinhalt unzulässig/ Nachrichtenvermittlung/ für Feindland (content inadmissible, could be of aid to the enemy), toned but rare
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 200 €
4 air mail envelopes (72½ cent franking, 12½ cent postage, 60 cent airmail up to 5 grams) Netherlands-Curaçao Nov.1940-Oct.1941 (different German censors), all via undercover address in Maracaibo, Venezuela
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 240 €
5 envelopes with undercover addresses, 25 Broadway New York, Caiza Postal 456 Lisbon, Oosterzee Barcelona, P.O. Box 237 London and Pfarrer Middendorp Klosters Davos
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Envelope England-Soerabaja 28 ap 41 (town name crossed out by censor) from Postbox 264 (undercover address Free Dutch Air Force), letter Netherlands-Switzerland 16.IX.41 to undercover address and readdressed to Bandoeng and postcard Neth.Indies-Switzerland, undercover address and smuggled to the Netherlands

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
15 permissions and documents of Mr. Dr. T. Kruijff 1939-1942, employee of the government of the province of Utrecht including delays of the Dutch railway, exemption (German) guard services (vrijstelling Duitse diensten), permission to rent an allotment garden (volkstuin) and more

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 320 €
18 fan mail letters August 1941 to January 1943 to the movie actress Ilse Werner in Berlin (born in Batavia 1921 as Ilse Charlotte Still) from Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, interesting rates and much documentation

Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
5 letters and 1 card from September 1941-November 1943 to Dr. Arthur Widerkehr Zürich (a Swiss lawyer who was an intermediary between Nazis and Dutch Jews to obtain freedom against payment), most sent by express (see The Paper Trail p.151)

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
10 letters 1941-1946 all to Miss Herllings Zaandam (nurse on board of the ship M.V. Oranje), including from Neth.Indies with RAPWI cancellation (content from The South African Red Cross Society), most letters with (interesting!) full content (including paper of Red Cross Brisbane, Queensland)
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 420 €
Red Cross letter PORTVRIJ (postage free) from 's-Gravenhage 20.IX.1940 to Holl. Geisel 94 (a Dutch hostage, number 94, due to the arrest of German citizens in Netherlands Indies on May 10, 1940) in concentration camp Buchenwald with 'c' (Cologne) censor and framed Postcensur Block 53
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
2 censored Red Cross letters from London commitee van het Nederlandsche Roode kruis (letters from Egypt Nov 1941 and Maracaibo, Curaçao franking, March 1944)