Auction 244
June 11-13, 2020
Displaying 301 - 312 of 603
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
Red Cross, 5 postcards and 1 letter, all 1944, 2 with red ACCOORD, red COMITÉ voor MEPPEL en O and first Red Cross handstamp of Zeeland, and 1 letter and 1 form from Red Cross Switzerland to Katwijk aan den Rijn 1942

Auction 244
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 500 €
Red Cross, 42 letters, cards, forms and receipts for packages 1941-1945 including comité cancels from Deventer e.o., Hengelo (Ov), 's-Hertogenbosch (2 different), Ouden IJssel, Rheden, Scherpenzeel, Tilburg, Zuid Beveland and Zutphen and 5 letters to/from Netherlands Indies
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 100 €
Red Cross card Brummen-Bussum Red Cross cancels NEDERL. ROODE KRUIS AFD. BRUMMEN and NEDERLANDSCHE ROODE KRUIS Afd. BUSSUM-NAARDEN, carried by a travel company Reisbureau Lissone-Lindeman/ Kantoor HILVERSUM, mailed in Bussum 7.VI.1945 and forwarded Naarden
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 240 €
Neth.Indies airmail letter from Soerabaja 2.9.39 to Königsberg (45 cent franking) with German Auslandsnachrichtenprüfstelle Königsberg(Pr) censor and Von der Wehrmacht zugelassen and Im Staatsinteresse geöffnet with brown tape, this censor started September 4, believed to be the earliest censor, so this is one of the earliest known censored letters of WWII
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Netherlands Indies 5 letters May-June 1940 to Europe, all with retour afzender (return sender) in colors and formats, including purple RETOUR AFZENDER/ Verbinding Per KLM/ Verbroken (return sender KLM connection severed)

Auction 244
Opening: 600 €
Sold for: 600 €
6 M
Neth. Indies 25 air mail letters May 1940-September 1941, all censured to abroad, including Burma (May 1940) and many to Great Britain (including green label (P.C.11.) Form No.141 The British censor is not/ responsible for the mutilation/ of the letter) USA and some Switzerland, different rates, all comprehensively described on exhibition pages
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 480 €
Netherlands Indies, card from Italy 20.VI.1940 with Retour/ service interrompu and 3 letters from Switzerland 31.XII.41 with label This communication returned to/ sender because it is addressed/ to an enemy of enemy-occupied/ country. ......, Australia 28 jan 1942 with cancel NOT TRANSMISSIBLE/ SERVICE SUSPENDED and Curaçao 12.1.42 with framed SERVICE SUSPENDED/ RETURN TO SENDER

Auction 244
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 500 €
6 M
Neth.Indies 17 air mail envelopes, all censored, June 1940-November 1941 from abroad including China (December 1940), Japan (June 1940), Moçambique (November 1940), Haïti (March 1941), Egypt (April 1941), Vichy France (August 1941), Bolivia (September 1941), Argentina (October 1941) and Philippines (September 1941), all comprehensivey described on exhibition pages
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 120 €
6 M
Netherlands Indies registered air mail letter (franking 25 ct. and 50 ct. and 1 and 2 gulden queen Wilhelmina) from Batavia-Centrum 2.12.41 to Zürich, (November 29 was the last flight of the China Clipper from Singapore before Pearl Harbor), from Singapore with the Horse Shoe route to Durban (South Africa), Durban-Lisbon by steamer and Lisbon-Zürich by train, just fl.3,75 rate for a letter between 15 and 20 grams
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
6 M
6 air mail letters November-December 1941 from Netherlands to USA including November 18 (German censor Frankfurt am Main) to New York, through Lisbon, Bermuda (held by UK), returned to UK, purple released by british/ censor/ jan 1946 and arrived March 4, in New York, label Terug afzender etc. (return sender), blue Zurück Postsperre, blue retour Postverkehr eingestellt and more
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
6 M
Netherlands Indies 2 censored air mail letters to USA November-December 1940 and 3 censored air mail letters to USA November 1941-January 1942, all by Horse Shoe route and Durban
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 170 €
Netherlands Indies censored letter (brown label and red cancel censuur 5 5.12.41) from Soerabaja 4.12.41 to Nagoya Japan, written Geen verbinding via Ach/ Batavia and cancel terug afzender (return sender) to the Weeskamer, the last ship to Japan, the Fuji Maru, left Soerabaja November 30, toned