Auction 244
June 11-13, 2020
Displaying 349 - 360 of 603
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 180 €
Ghetto Izbica (Lublin, Poland) postcard with 12 Pf. Generalgouvernement Krasnystaw b (distr Lublin) 8.IV.42 to Holland Valckenbourg (Valkenburg) with German 'c' (Cologne) censor, Sender Emil Israel Dahl (all male Jews with last names that could be interpreted as non-Jewish, were obligated to add "Israel" to their name; women had to add "Sarah"), pencil notation Hooghalen, in November 1942 the entire ghetto was liquidated
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
Oflag 67 Camp Neubrandenburg, French reply postcard from a Dutch officer POW in Oflag 67, written 1 May, sent by Russians on 15.5.45, to Soestdijk and forwarded to the Hague, this camp was liberated by the Russians on April 29

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 170 €
Stalag, 5 censored letters from different camps including IID (with au service du maréchal), all to the Netherlands, and 2 letters from Ilag VII
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 220 €
6 M
China air mail letter Shanghai 29.4.40 to Den Haag, sent through Hong Kong (censored), Bangkok, Naples (arrived May 10), London (end of air transport), by ship to Lisbon and then by train Berlin (censored) and returned Shanghai (without arrival stamp) through (probably) Moscow and Peking, 2 purple cancels NO SERVICE / RETURN SENDER and Réexpédié par voie ordinaire après/ avoir été retourné á Shanghai.
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
Card and letter from England 6 May 1940 to Amsterdam and Delft, card with written Ontvangen 22/8 (received 22/8) letter without arrival date (see De Postzak 208, May 2010, page 153, a letter like this from 6 May with arrival date 12 August) both censored by Great Britain and Germany (Cologne)
Auction 244
Opening: 400 €
Sold for: 400 €
Portugal 4 centavos on impresso par cegos (braille printed matter) from Funchal Madeira 13 May 1940 to Grave Netherlands, connection disrupted (restored in April 1941 via the French Zone). Similar to other items, this piece was stored in France and forgotten, found again in March 1948, and sent to Grave, arrival cancel GRAVE 4.III.18 and forwarded to Enschede, with label Amsterdam Maart 1948/ Door oorlogsomstandigheden/ met vertraging ontvangen (Amsterdam March 1948, because of war conditions received with delay). Although damaged a great rarity in Portuguese philately, probably unique!
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 300 €
6 M
Russia registered air mail letter Moscow-Medan 5.5.40 by Aeroflot, Hamiata (short lived air route, 1940-mid 1941, only a few flown letters known), CNAC, BOAC and KNILM, arrival Medan August 27, 1941 censored, 235 kop rate (50+35+150), a rare letter

Auction 244
Opening: 125 €
Sold for: 125 €
17 letters to/from Scandinavia June 1940 to April 1945, censored by Germans (some Cologne instead of Hamburg) and some rare censor stamps, one with Danish censor, some letters toned
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 110 €
USA 2 letters to the Netherlands, by air mail Berkeley nov 23 1942 to Amsterdam, with framed cancel return/ to sender/ service suspended and arrival New York Jul 25 1942, and by surface mail Philadelphia Dec 12 1941 to The Hague, with label and green Form OC-15 RETURNED/ TO SENDER/ BY CENSOR and purple cancel RETURNED TO SENDER/ SERVICE SUSPENDED, at reverse arrival cancel New York Jul 25 1942
Auction 244
Opening: 50 €
USA 6 (4 different) unused Humorous envelopes Keep 'Em Smiling, including wrapper

Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
over 60 letters, many concerning WWII
Auction 244
Opening: 75 €
Sold for: 110 €
Complete brief (enige ouderdomssporen) van 28 November 1583 naar Adolphsl.(and) met geschreven Cito citissime betalt den bode acht Stuivers