Auction 244
June 11-13, 2020
Displaying 13 - 24 of 45
Auction 244
Opening: 40 €
Sold for: 40 €
6 M
Luchtpost 5-regelige strook AMSTERDAM C.S./ Het bijgevoegde stuk is/ beschadigd in verband met/ vliegtuigongeluk bij/ Frankfurtmain. (VH: A389a) 22 maart 1952 op envelop Brazilië-Enschede, tevens Dienst PTT envelop verzonden van Amsterdam Joh.Verhulststraat naar Enschede
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
6 M
3 air mail letters to the Netherlands, from Netherlands Indies 8.5.1940 with Indies and Singapore censor and red RETOUR AFZENDER/ postverbinding opgeheven, from Palestine (2 perf. holes) Jerusalem 10 May 40, censored and, on reverse, written no service and cancel return to, and from South Africa 15.V.40, censored with purple mail service suspended/ postdienst gestaakt

Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 320 €
6 M
7 (air mail) envelopes May 1940-January 1941 to abroad including October 1940 Amsterdam-Manilla-Singapore, November 1940 Amersfoort-Shanghai, November 1940 's-Gravenhage-Rio de Janeiro and October 1940 Ommen-New York (cancel Held by British and jan 1946 released)

Auction 244
Opening: 600 €
Sold for: 600 €
6 M
Neth. Indies 25 air mail letters May 1940-September 1941, all censured to abroad, including Burma (May 1940) and many to Great Britain (including green label (P.C.11.) Form No.141 The British censor is not/ responsible for the mutilation/ of the letter) USA and some Switzerland, different rates, all comprehensively described on exhibition pages

Auction 244
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 500 €
6 M
Neth.Indies 17 air mail envelopes, all censored, June 1940-November 1941 from abroad including China (December 1940), Japan (June 1940), Moçambique (November 1940), Haïti (March 1941), Egypt (April 1941), Vichy France (August 1941), Bolivia (September 1941), Argentina (October 1941) and Philippines (September 1941), all comprehensivey described on exhibition pages
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 120 €
6 M
Netherlands Indies registered air mail letter (franking 25 ct. and 50 ct. and 1 and 2 gulden queen Wilhelmina) from Batavia-Centrum 2.12.41 to Zürich, (November 29 was the last flight of the China Clipper from Singapore before Pearl Harbor), from Singapore with the Horse Shoe route to Durban (South Africa), Durban-Lisbon by steamer and Lisbon-Zürich by train, just fl.3,75 rate for a letter between 15 and 20 grams
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 200 €
6 M
6 air mail letters November-December 1941 from Netherlands to USA including November 18 (German censor Frankfurt am Main) to New York, through Lisbon, Bermuda (held by UK), returned to UK, purple released by british/ censor/ jan 1946 and arrived March 4, in New York, label Terug afzender etc. (return sender), blue Zurück Postsperre, blue retour Postverkehr eingestellt and more
Auction 244
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
6 M
Netherlands Indies 2 censored air mail letters to USA November-December 1940 and 3 censored air mail letters to USA November 1941-January 1942, all by Horse Shoe route and Durban
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 130 €
6 M
Concentration Camp Sobibor, air mail letter Hilversum-New York 25.VIII.1941, German Frankfort censor, addressee unknown Not in directory/ Station W, with 3x retour, US censor label and stamp This article has been held/ by the office of censorship, after the war returned to the Netherlands, could not be delivered because sender and his family (fam. Guenebaum) did not survive Sobibor. Opened on the right
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 220 €
6 M
China air mail letter Shanghai 29.4.40 to Den Haag, sent through Hong Kong (censored), Bangkok, Naples (arrived May 10), London (end of air transport), by ship to Lisbon and then by train Berlin (censored) and returned Shanghai (without arrival stamp) through (probably) Moscow and Peking, 2 purple cancels NO SERVICE / RETURN SENDER and Réexpédié par voie ordinaire après/ avoir été retourné á Shanghai.
Auction 244
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 300 €
6 M
Russia registered air mail letter Moscow-Medan 5.5.40 by Aeroflot, Hamiata (short lived air route, 1940-mid 1941, only a few flown letters known), CNAC, BOAC and KNILM, arrival Medan August 27, 1941 censored, 235 kop rate (50+35+150), a rare letter
Auction 244
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 120 €
NVPH LP12-13
0 M
Meeuwen 15 en 25 gulden, beide met velrand, cat.w. 600