Auction 247 October 2020 - Van Erp
We are proud to present to you the coin and medal collection of Dr. J.P. van Erp. This collection has its origins in the 1930s and was put together over a lifetime with considerable knowledge and understanding of rarity and quality.
The fact that van Erp was a numismatic authority is not just proven by the collection but above all by his contributions to numismatics. In addition to various publications, including in the year book of the Royal Dutch Numismatic Society, and numerous lectures, he was the first in the telephone directory to be invited to visit regional coin finds.
During several decades, many interesting pieces were researched and purchased, many of them from Jacques Schulman in Amsterdam, with whom much knowledge was shared.
The collection has many highlights:
• Classical coins with a run of superb portraits of Roman emperors
• Extensive collection of the coins of Brabant with many extraordinary items
• Multiple rarities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
• Dutch historical medals including Van Berckel
• European historical medals including a wide selection of Papal medals as well as the Trinity medal
• Rare numismatic literature
Romeinse munten Cornelia 54, Cn. Lentulus (76/75 BC) g.p.r. above diademed bust of the Genius of the Roman People dr. r., sceptre on shoulder, Rev. ex. s.c divided by terrestrial globe between rudder and sceptre, cn.len.q below Syd 752 VF-EF
Romeinse munten Cornelia 64. L.Cornelius Lentulus and C.Claudius Marcellus (49 BC) Facing head of Medusa in centre of triskelis, ear of corn between each leg, Rev. Jupiter standing half-right holding eagle and thunderbolt, lent mar on. l., cos and harpa on r. Syd 1029a EF+
Romeinse munten Fonteia 1. C. Fonteius (114-113 BC) Janiform head Fons or Fontus, laureate, * on r., D on left, dot below head, Rev. Galley with pilot and three rowers on l., c.font above, roma below Syd 555 VF
Romeinse munten Gellia 1. Cn. Gellius (138 BC) Head of Roma r., X behind, all within laurel wreath, Rev. Mars and Nerio in quadriga r., CN.-G. below horses, roma in ex Syd 434 VF
Romeinse munten Herenia 1. M. Herenius (108-107 BC) Head of Pietas r., Pietas behind, letter under chin, Rev. M. Herenni to l. of Amphinomus carrying his Father Syd. 567 F
Romeinse munten Hosidia 1. C. Hosidius C.f Geta (64 BC) Diademed head of Diana dr. r., bow and quiver at her shoulder, geta before, III vir behind. Rev. wild boar of Calydon r., pierced by spear and attacked by dog Syd. 903 EF
Romeinse munten Hosidia 1. C. Hosidius C.f Geta (64 BC) Diademed head of Diana dr. r., bow and quiver at her shoulder, geta before, III vir behind. Rev. wild boar of Calydon r., pierced by spear and attacked by dog Syd. 903 EF
Romeinse munten Julia 5b. L. Julius Bursio (85 BC) Bust of Genius (or Apollo Vejovis) r., laureate and winged, trident and symbol behind, Rev. Victory in quadriga r., letter A under horses., L.Ivli. Bvrsio in ex. Syd. 728c VF-EF
Romeinse munten Junia 15. D.Silanus L.f (91 BC) Head of Roma r., V behind, Rev. Victory in biga r., V above, d.silanus l roma in ex Syd 646 VF+
Romeinse munten Marcia 24, L. Censorinus (82 BC) Laureate head of Apollo r., Rev. L. censor before the satyr, Marsyas, standing l. with wine/skin on shoulder+ behind him, column surmounted by statue of Minerva(?) Syd 737 EF
Romeinse munten Memmia 10. C. Memmius C. f. (56 BC) C.Memmi c.F. before head of Ceres r., Rev. c. memmius imperator divided by captive kneeling before trophy of eastern arms Syd 920 EF+
Romeinse munten Minucia 19. Q. Minucius Thermus M. f. (103 BC) head of Mars l., Rev. two warriors fighting, the one on the left protects fallen comrade, the other wears horned helmet. Q. Therm. MF in ex Syd 592 VF-EF