Auction 248-249 April 2021
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about 20 covers, money orders, wrappers etc. from Borneo and Celebes
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3351](
about 40 covers with a.o. printed matter, censored, cancellations etc.
about 80 mainly used postcards including censored
19 postcards to and from POW's and civilian internees including Kesilir, Ngawi etc.
11 illustrated postcards, scarce material!
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
![Image for Auction 248-249 - 3355](
ca. 80 post(waarde)stukken w.b. beter materiaal
fdc's collecties en voorraad t/m 2017 w.b. Suriname, Aruba, Nederlandse Antillen, Sint-Maarten, Curaçao en Caribisch Nederland t/m 2012 en Nederland t/m 2017 in aantallen in 4 albums en 10 doosjes in 2 verhuisdozen
fdc's (w.b. Philato en Trompet), luchtpost (w.b. Dag van de Aerophilatelie en Vliegkamp Soesterberg), raketpost, Vlootdagen, ecu-brieven, veldpost etc. enorm aantal in 41 albums en 2 doosjes in 5 verhuisdozen