Auction 250-253 September 2021
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15 cent olijfbruin met variëteit kopstaande druk, vrijwel pracht ex. (tanding rechts) met certificaat Bond 1979, cat.w. 350
Cover from a rubber plantation with the rare delivery house cancel Karangnoenggal over Tasikmalaya to Jakarta. Cover has an unusual 12 cents franking which was the rate for sending documents weighing between between 250-300 grams. The cover was probably attached to the documents, fine (some wrinkles and fingerprint on front)
Aceh, Water Buffalo 2½ cents without watermark with overprint type 111r in red, very fine (small brown spot on gummed side)
Djambi, Water Buffalo 5 cents with watermark with overprint type 421z in black on piece 2-7-1942, very fine. Very early use of this overprint and only a few copies known with this cancel type
Letter sheet 7½ cent violet with SE Borneo anchor in black (Bu. 206a) from Bandjermasin 4-10-1943 to Surabaya with excellent strikes of the Bandjermasin cds and censor mark, very fine. A rare item!
Dancer 2 cent red with variety inverted overprint, very fine unmounted mint with 1998 Suwito Harsono certificate
Water Buffalo 10 sen brown imperforated with variety mirror print at reverse in block of 4 with sheet margin, very fine. Not mentioned in Dai Nippon!
10 sen brown (2x) together with fiscal stamp 15 sen with ORI overprint on postcard Bu. no. RJ15 from Moentilan 16-7-1947 to Loemadjang, fine/very fine
Revolutionary issue 3 sen red imperforated in strip of 3 together with Dancer 2 sen red on Japanese field post card from Malang 5-2-1947 to Bondowoso, fine/very fine
Revolution issue, imperforated colour proof 3 sen in orange, very fine
Pilot 80 sen red imperforated, fine (horizontal crease)