Auction 250-253 September 2021
Columbus describing his Third Voyage 3 dollars yellow green, fine/very fine but regummed, cat.v. $ 675
Queen Isabella and Columbus 4 dollars crimson lake, very fine without gum and signed Kosack, cat.v. $ 1000
Columbus 5 dollars black, faults (regummed and reperforated at bottom), cat.v. $ 1150
John Marshall 5 dollars dark green without watermark, fine/very fine with 1983 Raybaudi certificate, cat.v. $ 2100
Canvasbacks 7,50 dollars multicolored with variety multiple color shifts, very fine unused without gum
Black Bellied Whistling Duck 12,50 dollars with variety black inscription printed on the stamp paper rather than the gum, very fine with 2011 APS certificate, cat.v. $ 3500
5 cent flets staalblauw plaat II pos. 26, pracht ex. zonder gom met certificaat Vleeming 2021. Ongebruikt een zeer schaarse klurnuance!