Auction 256 March 2023
Our 256th auction entails extensive collections and stocks of Netherlands and colonies, the first part of the impressive C. Avezaat collection (single frankings and first day covers) and the second part of the P. van Alteren collection (Dutch numeral cancellations). In addition we offer better lots foreign countries (especially French colonies), coins and picture postcards.
Lot 3677
Opening: 140 €
Sold for: 140 €
1856, complete brief (interessante inhoud over ontstane toestand op plantages) met blauw dubbelring PARAMARIBO 2 APR 1868 (ES type 4A), geschreven Martinique via St. Nazaire Compagnie Genérale Frans Atlantique ca 2 Avril 1869, naar Amsterdam, aankomststempel 25 april 1869, port 65 cent, iets smoezelig doch schaars, in ES afgebeeld op pag.48