Auction 257 September 2023
Our 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
5 cent donkerblauw plaat III pos. 68 op aangetekende telegram envelop van Goes 24-7-1857 naar Bath. Het telegram per aangetekende post te verzenden was de snelste manier om het bericht bij de geadresseerde in Bath te krijgen, vrijwel pracht ex. (enkele kreukjes en scheurtjes) met certificaat Vleeming 2023. Het Corinphila archief meldt 9 telegrammen met emissie 1852; dit is de enige uit de provincie Zeeland. Herkomst: collecties Cleij (1991) en Reed (1995)