Auction 257 September 2023
Our 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
- (-) Remove Overseas filter Overseas
- Africa (1) Apply Africa filter
- Argentina (4) Apply Argentina filter
- Asia (3) Apply Asia filter
- Bolivia (3) Apply Bolivia filter
- Brazil (7) Apply Brazil filter
- Cambodia (1) Apply Cambodia filter
- Chile (5) Apply Chile filter
- China Empire and Republic (10) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Colombia (4) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (1) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Cuba (2) Apply Cuba filter
- Dominican Republic (2) Apply Dominican Republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (1) Apply Egypt filter
- El Salvador (2) Apply El Salvador filter
- Ethiopia (1) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Guatemala (2) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (1) Apply Haiti filter
- Hawaii (1) Apply Hawaii filter
- Honduras (2) Apply Honduras filter
- Iran (3) Apply Iran filter
- Iraq (1) Apply Iraq filter
- Israel (14) Apply Israel filter
- Japan (5) Apply Japan filter
- Latin America (16) Apply Latin America filter
- Liberia (3) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (3) Apply Mexico filter
- Mongolei (1) Apply Mongolei filter
- Near East (2) Apply Near East filter
- Nicaragua (3) Apply Nicaragua filter
- North Korea (1) Apply North Korea filter
- Oceania (1) Apply Oceania filter
- Panama (1) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- People's Republic of China (8) Apply People's Republic of China filter
- Peru (9) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (2) Apply Philippines filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Scadta (3) Apply Scadta filter
- Tannu Tuva (2) Apply Tannu Tuva filter
- Thailand (3) Apply Thailand filter
- United States of America (16) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (3) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (9) Apply Venezuela filter
- Vietnam (1) Apply Vietnam filter

1880c./1930 collection postal history with about 100 postal stationary and postal cards, collected both used and unused including commercial illustrations, foreign destinations, wrappers, first flight covers and covers with railway postmarks in album and envelope

1881 onwards extensive collection, used and */** with many classic duplicates, better overprints and postmarks, varieties and some proofs, Back of the Book (Waterlow Samples), postage dues etc. in album and folder

1866 onwards extensive collection used and */** with many better items, Coat of Arms partly specialist with Comayagua and Tegucigalpa issues (some forgeries), inverted overprints, better Airmail, (including Sc. nr. C7 with Raybaudi certificate), officials etc. in Dukaat album

1894 onwards collection postal history (approx. 75 items) many postal cards and postal stationary including better in album

1856 onwards collection used and */** with many better items, large number of Hidalgo issues (some forgeries), inverted overprints, airmail sets, local issues etc. in album, envelope and folder
1827 onwards collection postal history (approx.120 items) including stampless covers, early issues with handstamped district names, postal stationary, postal cards and airmail covers (12x.) in album

1862/1982c, collection used and */** including better material (some forgeries), proofs, varieties and Back of the Book etc. in 2 binders and folder

1930/1985c. mainly ** stock including miniature sheets, back of the book and topical issues in 5 stockbooks
1880c./1930 collection postal history with about 100 postal stationary, postal cards and airmail covers including better items, foreign destinations etc. in album and folder

1878 onwards, specialised collection used and */** including better items, varieties, Back of the Book and some covers in binder

1873/1900 collection mainly used with better items on album pages in folder

1858/1960 extensive collection used and */** with many better classics and duplicates (some forgeries), Back of the Book with better airmail, officials and local issues in binder