Auction 257 September 2023
Our 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
- (-) Remove Overseas filter Overseas
- Africa (1) Apply Africa filter
- Argentina (4) Apply Argentina filter
- Asia (3) Apply Asia filter
- Bolivia (3) Apply Bolivia filter
- Brazil (7) Apply Brazil filter
- Cambodia (1) Apply Cambodia filter
- Chile (5) Apply Chile filter
- China Empire and Republic (10) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Colombia (4) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (1) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Cuba (2) Apply Cuba filter
- Dominican Republic (2) Apply Dominican Republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (1) Apply Egypt filter
- El Salvador (2) Apply El Salvador filter
- Ethiopia (1) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Guatemala (2) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (1) Apply Haiti filter
- Hawaii (1) Apply Hawaii filter
- Honduras (2) Apply Honduras filter
- Iran (3) Apply Iran filter
- Iraq (1) Apply Iraq filter
- Israel (14) Apply Israel filter
- Japan (5) Apply Japan filter
- Latin America (16) Apply Latin America filter
- Liberia (3) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (3) Apply Mexico filter
- Mongolei (1) Apply Mongolei filter
- Near East (2) Apply Near East filter
- Nicaragua (3) Apply Nicaragua filter
- North Korea (1) Apply North Korea filter
- Oceania (1) Apply Oceania filter
- Panama (1) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- People's Republic of China (8) Apply People's Republic of China filter
- Peru (9) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (2) Apply Philippines filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Scadta (3) Apply Scadta filter
- Tannu Tuva (2) Apply Tannu Tuva filter
- Thailand (3) Apply Thailand filter
- United States of America (16) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (3) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (9) Apply Venezuela filter
- Vietnam (1) Apply Vietnam filter

1880/1911 collection postal stationary (about 60 items) mostly used including additional franking, send abroad (incl. Zanzibar) etc. in small box

1949/2005c. including Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong with better sets, miniature sheets and booklets in 4 stockbooks

1923/2021 collection Hong Kong used and */** with about 75 fdc's in 2 stockbooks

1940/2005 Hong Kong, Macau (Portuguese), Japan and China mostly ** material including Frama labels, miniature sheets, better items (Macao) in binder and stockbook

1934/1935, Mi. nrs 49-57 in sheet(parts) ** in folder

1935/1936, large stock with Mi.nos 66-75 in ** sheet parts (about 150 sets) and Mi.nos 76-97, cancelled sheets and sheet parts (more than 200 sets) with additional literature in stockbook and box

1902/2000 collection used and */** nicely arranged in stockbook with some other Asian countries in stockbook

1885/2006 used stock with better material, small dragons, Peoples republic, back of the book etc. in stockbook and folder

1991/2009 collection mainly ** in 2 binders
2 postcards and 1 cover in envelop

1904-1946, 13 covers/postal stationery with a.o. Manchuria and Yunnan in ringbinder

1944-1945 collection of Japanese POW correspondance (39 letters) including numerous censor seals and stamps. Contents mainly in English and written on rice/ordinary paper. The letters originate from the following camps/'civil assembly centers': Hoten (3), Shanghai (7), Shanghai Civil Assembly Centers (7), Lunghwa (1), Chapei (2), Pootung (2), Haiphong (5), Tachibana (1), Taiwan (8) Correspondance includes letters from POWs (including censored letter from the famous general Jonathan Wainwright who was held prisoner in Taiwan), Red Cross letters, family members etc. Topics largly relate to (relief) goods, shortage of food/goods, forwarded messages etc. Neatly described in small box