Auction 257 September 2023
Our 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
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France, 20 mostly better books including Les Postes Francaises by A. Belloc (Paris, 1886) in slipcase, Histoire de la Poste aux Lettres et de timbre-poste by A. de Rothschild (2x: first, limited edition and third edition), (resp. Paris, 1873 and Brussels, 1876), Histoire des Timbres-poste Francaise in slipcase by A. Maury (Paris, 1907), La Poste au Havre (Le Havre, 1948), Les Aérostats Poste 1870-1871 by J. le Pileur (Paris, 1953), Étude sur les Messageries et Les Postes by Florange and Ciani (2x) (Paris, 1925), Nouveau Code du Timbre by L. Jacob (Brussels, 1891), État Général des Postes du Royaume de France (Paris, 1816 & 1824, both books with folded map included), Catalogue des Cartes Postales, Première partie - Europe by G. Campbell and A. Schoeller (Paris, 1889, limited edition of 300 copies), Les Marques Postales de la Grande Armée by Ph. F. de Frank (Paris, 1948) in box

France and Colonies, Monaco etc., approx. 75 handbooks/catalogues including 19th century works in mixed condition (Les Réimpressions et leurs Caractères distinctifs by Dr. Legrand) en some modern works post 2000 in 2 large boxes
Spain and Portugal, approx. 10 (better) books including El Sello Seis Cuartos 1850 by J. Zuazo y Palacios (1924), 6 Cuartos 1850 by A. de Guezala Ayrivié (Bilbao, 1936) in leather hardbound and signed by author- famous handbook on Spain's first stamp, 4 duplicates included (one numbered), Selos Clássicos de Relevo de Portugal by A. M. O. Vieira (1983, hardbound and errata included), Velhos Papéis do Correio by G. Ferreira (1950, in hardbound), Prefilatelia Española (1971, 2 volumes - limited edition of 1000 copies, this is no. 919) etc. in large box

Italy, approx. 15 (better) works including Storia Postale del Regno di Napoli (3 volumes in slipcase) by Paolo Vollmeier, I Francobolli del Regno de Napoli by E. Diena (1932, plates not included), I Timbri Postali ed I "Tagli Delli Soldi 4 Per Lettera" della Republica di Venezia by G. dal Gian (no. 96 of 500 and signed by author) etc. in large box

Italy, Portual and Spain, approx. 30 titles including Town Censor Marks of Spain 1936-1945 by E. Heller (1982), Catalogo Prefilatelico by A.Banci, Stamps of Italy used abroad in 2 volumes, The Stamps of the Duchy of Modena by Dr. E. Diena (1905) etc. in large box
Scandinavia, approx. 40 handbooks/catalogues including better works such as Sveriges Frankotecken 1855-1905 by E. Öberberg (1905), The Postage Stamps of Denmark, 1851-1951 by J. Schmidt-Andersen (1951, hardbound including relief, specimens. In addition 2 duplicates without binding), Danmarks og Dansk Vestindiens Frimærker by G.A. Hagemann (1951) in large box

Scandinavia, approx. 30 titles including many postmark related works, Håndbok over Norges Frimerker 1855-1955 (1963) etc. in large box

Switzerland, over 20 titles including Schweiz Abstempelungen 1843-1907 in binders, Die schweizerischen Post- und Entwertungs-Stempel 1843-1862 by H. Jäggli-Weber (1920), Stehende Helvatia 1882-1907 (Bern, 1982) etc. in large box

Eastern Europe, approx. 40 (better) works including The Kingdom of Poland by M.A. Bojanowicz (1979, no. 484 of 500 copies), Catalogue of the Russian Rural Postage Stamps by W. Herrick (1896, scarce, original edition), Die Postmarken von Russland by Dr. Bochmann-Riga (1895, fine/very fine including plates), Catalogue of the Russian Rural Postage Stamps by F.G. Chuchin (1925), Imperial Russia Zemstvo Post by O. A. Fabergé (1993), in large box

Asia mainly China and Japan, approx. 20 titles including better: Postage Stamps of the People's Republic of China (Peking, 1959), Revenue Surcharges by L.Y. Woo (Taipei, 1983), Imperial China, History of the Posts to 1896 by R. Pratt (Robson Lowe, 1994), The Classic Stamps of Nepal (1984, worn), The Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies by A.M.T. Woodward (1976), Stamps of India by J. Cooper (1968) in box
Asia, approx. 30 (better) handbooks/works including Postage Stamps of the Philippines by J. Murray Bartels, F. Apthorp Foster and F.L. Palmer (1904, limited edition of 350 copies and signed by Apthorp Foster), The Stamp Designs of Eastern Asia by C.A. Howes (1905), The Postage Stamps of the Seychelles by B.W.H. Poole (1906), The Chinese Air-Post 1920-1935 by J. Starr and S.J. Mills (1937), Local Post of China by Dr. W. Rosenberg (1940), The Philatelic and Postal History of Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports of China and Japan by F.W. Webb (1991), some catalogues etc. in large box
Japan and Japanese Occupation in Asia (Dutch East Indies), approx. 40 handbooks/guides/catalogues including The Dragon Stamps of Japan 1871-1872 by Dr. Ichida (limited editions 1959 and 1971 (Japanese in slipcase)) including duplicate, The Cherry Blossom Issues of Japan 1872 - 1876 by Dr. Ichida (limited edition, 1965) in slipcase including duplicate, The Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies by A.M. Tracey Woodward (1976 reprint) in 2 volumes, Ryukyus Handbook - Philatelic and Historic by M. Sera (1962), A Postal History of the Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees in East Asia during the Second World War by D. Tett (volumes 3 and 6), A Postal history of the Japanse Occupation of the Philippines 1942-1945 by E.A. Garrett (1992), some important name collections issued in hardbound editions by the Japan Philatelic Society, works on fiscals etc. several books only in Japanese language in 2 large boxes