Auction 257 September 2023
Our 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
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South-Africa approx. 20 (better) handbooks/catalogues etc. including The Handstruck Letter Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope from 1792 to 1853 and the Postmarks from 1853 to 1910 by A.A. Jurgens (1943 including 2 duplicates), The Bechuanalands by A.A. Jurgens (1945 including 2 duplicates), Les Falsifications du Transvaal by L. de Raaij (1909), Transvaal Postage Stamps by J.H. Curle and A.E. Basden (1940 including 2 duplicates), The Triangular Stamps of Cape of Good Hope by A. Stevenson (1950), The Postmarks of South-Africa and Former States & Colonies by R.F. Putzel (1992 onwards, 10 volumes) etc. in 2 large boxes
Oceania, approx. 20 handbooks/catalogues mainly Australia and New-Zealand In addition La Philatélie à Tahiti by C. Beslu (1980), periodicals Polynesia etc. in box
The Postage stamps of New Zealand edited by R.J.G. Collins (Whitcombe & Tombs, 1938-1988), volumes I-VII, all limited editions, fine/very fine in box

USA, Canada and Canal Zone, approx. 40 handbooks/catalogues including better works: Postmaster Robert Morris of N.Y. by W.S. Boggs (1961, one of only four (!) presentation copies, deluxe, signed edition in greenleather and slip case), Canada and its Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery by C.A. Howes (1911, 1 plate missing), The United States Postage Stamps of the 19th Century by L.G. Goodman (1966 in 3 volumes, signed by the author) etc. In addition several parts of the F.J. Melville small stamp handbooks in 2 large boxes
The Postage stamps of New Zealand edited by R.J.G. Collins (Whitcombe & Tombs, 1938-1967), volumes I-V, all limited editions, fine/very fine in box
Latin America, approx. 50 (better) books/guides on mainly Southern American philately including A Study of the Stamps of Uruguay by H. Griebert (1910 hardbound, fine) in addition soft cover duplicates with plates, Selos Rivadavia by J.M. del Pont (1946), The Stamps of Paraguay by Graham J. Philips (Stanley Gibbons, 1912), Estudio de las Falsificaciones de los Sellos Postales del Uruguay by R. Hoffmann (1948), Les Timbres du Chile by S. Jean (1910), Contribucion al Estudio de los Sellos Postales Uruguayos by R.D. Elicabe (1945, fold, but only 200 copies printed), Chile - an Outline of the Postal Issues 1766-1919 by W.B. Haworth (1919), Los Barquitos - Neue forschungsergebnisse über die 1. Emission von Buenos Aires by G. Bühler (1955, scarce work on falsifications), Les Timbres de la République Orientale de l'Uruguay by Le Docteur Wonner (Neuilly, 1887, scarce and hardbound but faults), Via Panama by J.T. DeVoss (1978, limited photocopy edition of 100 ex.), Ecuador : The Philately of the Seebeck Era 1892-1897 by R.A. d'Elia and D.B. Armitage (2005), Perou Obliterations Postales by G. Lamy and J.-A. Rinck (1960 and 1964), Nicaragua to 1940 - a Philatelic Handbook by C.R. Maxwell (1992), Costa Rica - A Minor Plate Study by H.H. Harland (1915), Documentos Historico-Postales del ... Uruguay by Kobylanski-Casal (2 volumes, 1984), some periodicals etc. in 2 large boxes
Postal History of British Honduras, British Guiana, British Malaya (volumes I & II), Cyprus, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Malta, Nyasaland, History of British Army Postal Service (volumes I, II & III + 2 duplicates), History of the Indian Army Postal Service (volume III), The Canadian Military Posts (volume I & II), History of the New Zealand Military Postal Services, and Postal History of the British Post Offices Abroad, total of 19 books all by E.B. Proud, fine/very fine (9 with dust jackets) in box

Mexico, 10 mainly better works including The Cancellations of Mexico 1856-1874 by J. Schatzkès (1964, 2 copies: nos. 79 and 213 out of 225 copies. In addition revised 1983 edition by Karl H. Schimmer, no. 170 out of 500 copies), The Yucatan Affair: The Work of Raoul Ch. de Thuin, Philatelic Counterfeiter by J. M. Chemi (1974, in slipcase), The Postmarks of Mexico by K.H. Schimmer (1977 including duplicate), some works in French in box
Caribbean and Pacific islands, approx. 20 handbooks including Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks: Barbados (1896, hardbound, very fine), Saint Vincent (1895), 2 copies, hardbound some pages loose), both by E.D. Bacon and F.H. Napier, Jamaica by G.W. Collett, W. Buckland Edwards, C.S. Morton and L.C.C. Nicholson (1928, staining), Bahama's by H.G.D. Gisburn (1950, including duplicate), Fiji Islands by C.J. Phillips (1895), Turks Islands by E.D. Bacon (1917, cover loose) etc. In addition Bermuda by M.H. Ludington (1962, no. 99 out of 265 copies) and some other works in box

mainly handbooks Latin America and Spain (15 books) including better e.g. Cartografia Postal de Espana by F. Graus (Barcelona 1986, this is copy 15 of 20(!)), 1857-1866 Brasil 1844-1846 "Inclinados" by Walter Goncalves Taveira (2x), Bolivar by Dr. J.H. van Peursem (1934), Guia del Coleccionista de Sellos de Correos de Espana (3 volumes in box, 1935), the Postage Stamps of Venezuela by T. W. Hall and L.W. Fulcher (1924), Chile, First Issues of Postage Stamps 1853-1867 (Blank, 1989), L'Argentine et le Timbre-Poste by Max Daireaux (1951, damaged), 6 Cuartos 1850 by A. de Guezala Ayrivié (Bilbao, 1936) in large box

Latin America, approx. 15 titles including the Cancellations of Mexico 1856-1874 by J. Schatzkes (this is copy 29 of 100 of the 2nd printing), Canal Zone Stamps (1986), Chile, First Issues of Postage Stamps 1853-1867 by G. Blank (1989). Added some books on USA philately in box

8 better large format modern works including Schriftenreihe des Bundes Philatelistischer Prüfer (4 volumes including index), Editions Club de Monte-Carlo (La Poste Maritime by J.P. Delbeke, Les Jalons de la Littérature Philatélique au XIXe siècle by Wolfgang Maassen and Vincent Schouberechts, The Mysterious Philippe de Ferrari, cet inconnu by Wolfgang Maassen (2x)), Schriftenreihe Schweizerische Postgeschichte (volumes 2-4 by Richard Schäfer and Andreas Grünewald) in large box