Auctions 229-232
September 9 & 14-16, 2017
- (-) Remove Europe filter Europe
- Agean Islands (2) Apply Agean Islands filter
- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Andorra (4) Apply Andorra filter
- Austria (62) Apply Austria filter
- Baltic States (4) Apply Baltic States filter
- Belgium (65) Apply Belgium filter
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (13) Apply Bosnia and Herzegovina filter
- Bulgaria (7) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Czechoslovakia (11) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- Denmark (38) Apply Denmark filter
- Finland (17) Apply Finland filter
- Fiume (6) Apply Fiume filter
- France (165) Apply France filter
- Germany (191) Apply Germany filter
- Great Britain (137) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (21) Apply Greece filter
- Hungary (18) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (8) Apply Iceland filter
- Ireland (4) Apply Ireland filter
- Italy (26) Apply Italy filter
- Liechtenstein (13) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Lithuania (2) Apply Lithuania filter
- Luxemburg (28) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Monaco (15) Apply Monaco filter
- Norway (13) Apply Norway filter
- Poland (8) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (15) Apply Portugal filter
- Portuguese colonies (18) Apply Portuguese colonies filter
- Romania (9) Apply Romania filter
- Russia (47) Apply Russia filter
- Scandinavia (19) Apply Scandinavia filter
- Spain (29) Apply Spain filter
- Switzerland (157) Apply Switzerland filter
- Turkey (21) Apply Turkey filter
- Vatican (12) Apply Vatican filter
- Western Europe (7) Apply Western Europe filter
- Yugoslavia (10) Apply Yugoslavia filter
Displaying 1189 - 1200 of 1231
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 130 €
Michel block 1
Naba 5 t/m 20 centimes op aangetekende envelop van de tentoonstelling met speciaal strookje van Zürich 30-9-1934 naar Basel, pracht ex.
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 50 €
Sold for: 50 €
Michel block 2
Pro Patria 10 t/m 30 centimes met stempel Winterthur 22-10-1936, pracht ex. met certificaat Renggli 1994, cat.w. 260
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 140 €
Michel block 2
Pro Patria 10 t/m 30 centimes met 1e-dagstempel Genève 23-10-1936 op envelop naar Sutton Coldfield (GB), pracht ex., cat.w. 900
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 75 €
Michel block 5
Bundesfeier 5 t/m 30 centimes, cat.w. 450
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 120 €
Michel 113 II
Tellknabe 5 centimes groen type II in paar met tussenstrook met gatdoorboring (Zst. S7 II), cat.w. CHF 725
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 150 €
Michel 164, 200
Wilhelm Tell 10 centimes groen op geel en Tellknabe 5 centimes roodlila op geel in paar met tussenstrook en gatdoorboring (Zst. 28) met 3 extra zegels en velrand, cat.w. CHF 900+
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 160 €
Michel 200
Tellknabe 5 centimes roodlila op geel in paar met tussenstrook en gatdoorboring (Zst. S32) met 3 extra zegels en velrand, cat.w. CHF 900+
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 200 €
Michel 271-274
Samenhangende combinaties uit het Naba-blok (Zst. Z19-Z22), cat.w. CHF 1200
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
Zst BFK49
Bundesfeierkarte 1927 Schwester am Krankenbett met 1e dagstempel Lausanne 1-8-1927 naar Levallois (F), pracht ex. (1 hoekje iets minder mooi), cat.w. CHF 750
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 130 €
Michel II
1 M
Halfambtelijke luchtpost. Basel 50 centimes blauw, pracht ex., cat.w. 600
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 170 €
Michel IV
0 M
Halfambtelijke luchtpost. Burgdorf 50 centimes zwartgroen met certificaat Marchand 2009, cat.w. CHF 900
Auctions 229-232
Opening: 75 €
Sold for: 90 €
Michel VI
1 M
Halfambtelijke luchtpost. Langnau 50 centimes grijsviolet op geel, pracht ex., cat.w. 450