Auctions 233-236
March 10 & 16-17, 2018
- (-) Remove Europe filter Europe
- Agean Islands (2) Apply Agean Islands filter
- Albania (68) Apply Albania filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Austria (43) Apply Austria filter
- Baltic States (5) Apply Baltic States filter
- Belgium (108) Apply Belgium filter
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1) Apply Bosnia and Herzegovina filter
- Bulgaria (2) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Croatia (3) Apply Croatia filter
- Czechoslovakia (7) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- Denmark (14) Apply Denmark filter
- Finland (17) Apply Finland filter
- Fiume (2) Apply Fiume filter
- France (172) Apply France filter
- Germany (132) Apply Germany filter
- Great Britain (47) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (10) Apply Greece filter
- Hungary (15) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (10) Apply Iceland filter
- Ireland (2) Apply Ireland filter
- Italy (31) Apply Italy filter
- Liechtenstein (12) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Lithuania (5) Apply Lithuania filter
- Luxemburg (14) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Monaco (19) Apply Monaco filter
- Montenegro (2) Apply Montenegro filter
- Norway (12) Apply Norway filter
- Poland (23) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (13) Apply Portugal filter
- Portuguese colonies (2) Apply Portuguese colonies filter
- Romania (7) Apply Romania filter
- Russia (22) Apply Russia filter
- San Marino (3) Apply San Marino filter
- Scandinavia (13) Apply Scandinavia filter
- Spain (12) Apply Spain filter
- Switzerland (49) Apply Switzerland filter
- Turkey (5) Apply Turkey filter
- Vatican (3) Apply Vatican filter
- Western Europe (13) Apply Western Europe filter
- Yugoslavia (5) Apply Yugoslavia filter
Displaying 25 - 36 of 930
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 280 €
French Occupation 1916-1920. Picture postcard of Belgrade Citadel Bombarded endorsed Aux Armees Albanie 20 Nv 17 to Ambenais (F) with military cachet Armée D'Orient Convois Automobiles/Section T.P. 735 in violet, very fine
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 360 €
French Occupation 1916-1920. Picture postcard Mercato dei quadrupedi with military cachets A.F.O. Major de la garnison. Place de Korytza and Armee d'Orient. Commandement Militaire de Korytza from Korce 24-9-1919 to Dijon, very fine
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
French Occupation 1916-1920. Envelop from Thessaloniki 9-10-1919 to Korce (military cachet Vag-Etappes-16) and redirected to Thracia, very fine
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 140 €
Yvert 137, 138
French Occupation 1916-1920. Semeuse 5 centimes dark green and 10 centimes red with cachet Territoire de Pogradec. Poste in violet on cover 25-5-1920 to Korce, very fine
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
French Occupation 1916-1920. Undated picture postcard Sbarco delle Truppe Italiane a Santi Quaranta with double strike of the cachet Mission de Epire. Le Colonel François commandant in red, very fine

Auctions 233-236
Opening: 800 €
Sold for: 3.600 €
French Occupation 1916-1920. Collection of 44 covers mostly send from or to Koritza (Korce) with many better items, picture postcards, military markings etc. in binder
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 300 €
Sold for: 800 €
Michel 90
Italian Postoffices. 2 censored covers from a member of the American Mission at Korce both franked with Victor Emanuel 25 centesimi blue to Boston, Mass. cancelled with Poste Italiane Argirocastro (5-3-1920) and the rare Poste Italiane Liascoviki (Albania) (19-4-1920), very fine
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 700 €
Michel 90
Italian Postoffices. Victor Emanuel 25 centesimi blue on cover 10-2-1920 from the Italian Consular Service at Korce with the rare cancellation Poste Italiane. Liascoviki (Albania) to Milan, very fine with 1976 Alberto Diena certificate
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 300 €
Sold for: 360 €
Michel 59
Regency 1920-1925. Quartered 2 frank on 160 heller violet on registered cover from Korce 30-9-1920 to Tirana, fine (small part missing at left) with 1993 Silvano Sorani certificate. Rare item!
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 120 €
Sold for: 180 €
Michel 76 II, 78 II, 80 I
Regency 1920-1925. Skanderbeg and Double Eagle 2 qind orange type II, 10 qind red type II and 50 qind green type I on registered cover from Korce 3-4-1922 to Sophia (Bulgaria), fine/very fine (slight vertical fold)
Auctions 233-236
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 190 €
Michel 79 I
Regency 1920-1925. Skanderbeg and Double Eagle 25 qind blue type I on registered cover from Korce 8-2-1921 to Sophia (Bulgaria), fine/very fine (folded vertically)

Auctions 233-236
Opening: 1.000 €
Sold for: 2.200 €
Regency and Kingdom 1920-1939. Collection of ca. 50 covers and picture postcards mostly send to or from Korce, with registered mail, frankings, foreign destinations including better items in binder