Auction 255 September 2022
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Some highlights:
• Netherlands with varieties and rarities
• Collections Van Hoek (1852 issue) and Warburg (1864 issue)
• Collection Van Alteren
• Numeral cancellations Netherlands
• Original Country Collections including Egypt and Sudan
• Picture Postcards
• Numismatics, incl. large lots
- (-) Remove Netherlands and Colonies filter Netherlands and Colonies
- (-) Remove Netherlands filter Netherlands
- 1852 King William III (85) Apply 1852 King William III filter
- 1864 King William III (10) Apply 1864 King William III filter
- 1867 King William III (4) Apply 1867 King William III filter
- 1869 Coat of Arms (4) Apply 1869 Coat of Arms filter
- 1872 King William III (16) Apply 1872 King William III filter
- 1876-1894 Numerals (4) Apply 1876-1894 Numerals filter
- 1891 Princess Wilhelmina (6) Apply 1891 Princess Wilhelmina filter
- 1899 Numerals and Queen Wilhelmina (3) Apply 1899 Numerals and Queen Wilhelmina filter
- 1913 Centenary of Independence (4) Apply 1913 Centenary of Independence filter
- 1923 Queen Wilhelmina Silver Jubilee (1) Apply 1923 Queen Wilhelmina Silver Jubilee filter
- 1924 Lebeau definitives and Queen Wilhelmina Veth (1) Apply 1924 Lebeau definitives and Queen Wilhelmina Veth filter
- Air Mail (3) Apply Air Mail filter
- Booklets (2) Apply Booklets filter
- Booklets and Se-tenants from 1964 onwards (3) Apply Booklets and Se-tenants from 1964 onwards filter
- Cancellations (367) Apply Cancellations filter
- Marine Insurance stamps (1) Apply Marine Insurance stamps filter
- Officials (2) Apply Officials filter
- Parcel stamps (1) Apply Parcel stamps filter
- Postage due (6) Apply Postage due filter
- Postal Stationery (5) Apply Postal Stationery filter
- Pre-Philately (6) Apply Pre-Philately filter
- Syncopated perforation (19) Apply Syncopated perforation filter
- Telegraph stamps (2) Apply Telegraph stamps filter
- (-) Remove Netherlands filter Netherlands
- Republic Sumatra (1) Apply Republic Sumatra filter
1850-1974 collectie fdc's tussen nrs. E1-E136 meest beschreven in gemengde kwaliteit in Davo album
1852-2012 collectie gestempeld w.b. betere ex., doubletten etc. in klemband en insteekboek
1852-1988 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. betere ex. deels in gemengde kwaliteit in Importa album
1852-1980 collectie gestempeld w.b. iets betere ex. in Davo album

1852-1990 gestempeld, later */** w.b. betere ex. in zeer gemengde kwaliteit

1876c. collectie langstempels op emissie Cijfer (ca. 150 ex.) w.b. betere ex., strippen etc. in klemband
1872-2000 voorraad */** w.b. nagegomd in insteekboek
1872 - 1940 gestempeld engros inclusief port, cat.w. 4200 in insteekboek
1872-1910 collectie kleinrondstempels (ca. 900 ex.) op diverse waarden in insteekboek
1880 - 1900 c kleinrondstempels, restanten in Davo album en insteekboekje
1880 - 1910 c. spoorlijn Rotterdam - Venlo/Venloo collectie klein en grootrond w.b. poststukken (62 ex.) en iets losse zegels (29 ex.) mooi opgezet en beschreven in ringband
1894-2000 voorraad */** w.b. nagegomd in insteekboek