Auction 255 September 2022
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Some highlights:
• Netherlands with varieties and rarities
• Collections Van Hoek (1852 issue) and Warburg (1864 issue)
• Collection Van Alteren
• Numeral cancellations Netherlands
• Original Country Collections including Egypt and Sudan
• Picture Postcards
• Numismatics, incl. large lots
molens 330 ex. oude en modern in doosje
1300 ex. meest oude in houten kist
Waddeneilanden ca. 400 ex. meest oude met iets beter in doosje
650 ex. meest oude met iets beter in kistje
Belgium 900 postcards mostly pre-1940 in box
Europe (approx. 400 ex.) used and unused including older postcards, UK, Alps etc. in small box
mostly Europe 1000 postcards pre-1950 in box
France 1000 postcards pre-1940 with some better in box
Germany postcards mostly pre-1940 with some better Litho postcards in box
Italy 450 postcards mostly pre-1940 with litho postcards included in small box
Western European countries postcards mostly pre-1940 with some trams in box
approx. 750 regular-sized fantasy postcards and added some modern-sized postcards. Most of them are pre-1940 in box