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Los 870

mainly handbooks Latin America and Spain (15 books) including better e.g. Cartografia Postal de Espana by F. Graus (Barcelona 1986, this is copy 15 of 20(!)), 1857-1866 Brasil 1844-1846 "Inclinados" by Walter Goncalves Taveira (2x), Bolivar by Dr. J.H. van Peursem (1934), Guia del Coleccionista de Sellos de Correos de Espana (3 volumes in box, 1935), the Postage Stamps of Venezuela by T. W. Hall and L.W. Fulcher (1924), Chile, First Issues of Postage Stamps 1853-1867 (Blank, 1989), L'Argentine et le Timbre-Poste by Max Daireaux (1951, damaged), 6 Cuartos 1850 by A. de Guezala Ayrivié (Bilbao, 1936) in large box