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Los 2507

Greek, Cilicia, Pharnabazos, Persian military commander, 380-373 BC, AR Stater (10,81gr, 22mm). Tarsos, bearded head of Ares (?) to left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with a volute on the bowl, with xxxx around / Baaltars seated left on backless throne, his body turned to front, holding lotus-tipped scepter in his right hand and resting his left on his chlamys at his waist with yyyyy behind, Casabonne Series 4 | SNG Levante 72 | SNG Paris 251-5 | SNG von Aulock 5927-9. aUNC, In slab NGC, Certificate 6061930-066, Strike: 5/5 Surface: 4/5.