213. Auktion
25. Mai - 2. Juni 2012
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213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 50 €
Verkauft für: 95 €
1732 (10 jun.) and 1749 (16 oct.), 2 lettersheets to Marseille without postal markings, both ex. fresh and in very good condition
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 500 €
Verkauft für: 860 €
1759 (18 feb.), lettersheet to Monsieur de president de gueidon, conseiller du roy toutes les conseills, a Aix, France with manuscript "9" with the rare seperated handstamp "Marseille / De Malthe" (M+DM), see page 15 handbook Malta, ex. Warren/Carpenter
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 50 €
Verkauft für: 50 €
1813 (24 mar.) lettersheet (light overall soiling) to the Martell Co. Marseilles redirected to Cognac, showing Venice and Milan (partial strikes) transit marks
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 1.500 €
Verkauft für: 2.250 €
1817 (14 july) lettersheet to lieutenant-colonel Fitzgerald in Gibraltar from the Royal regiment of Malta showing a very fine single-line "Malta" handstamp (MLL) - a very rare marking, in use only from 23 march to 14 july 1817 and seen only on letters from military personnel., vertical filing crease through cover and handstamp
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 200 €
1825 (18 jan.) lettersheet from Rome showing a very fine strike of the rare postage due handstamp "Feb 3 T:2 (2 Tari)" (DC-T2) on reverse
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 50 €
Verkauft für: 110 €
1830 (Oct.) lettersheet (with disinfection slits) from Zante, Ionian Islands, showing a very fine strike of the postage due handstamp "Nov:13 8.d" (DC-8) and 2 Zante cancels on reverse
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 75 €
1836 (26 Jan.) lettersheet from Nauplion Greece, to Pisa showing large part Malta double oval Lazaret wax seal (LAZ-S4) on reverse with a fair-good "Malta Post Office" handstamp (MPO-2a), Livorno straight line handstamp and charge markings in manuscript on front.
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 50 €
Verkauft für: 75 €
1837 lettersheet to Marseille showing a good strike of the Malta Post Office handstamp (MPO-1b) and 4 dec. 1837 French arrival cds, a very early usage of this handstamp as Malta handbook records usage only from 1838 (this type from 1839)
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 250 €
Verkauft für: 250 €
1838 (26 dec.) lettersheet from Alexandria to Genoa, desinfected at Malta (with Lazaret cachet and slits), showing a fine "Via di Nizza" handstamp indicating route via Nice (unusual routing), with Alexandria cds and boxed "Paquebots de la Mediterranne" handstamp in black alongside
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 40 €
Verkauft für: 55 €
1838 (Mar.) lettersheet from Messina showing a fine strike of the postage due handstamp "22 March; 5 d" (DC-5) on reverse
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 50 €
Verkauft für: 85 €
1840 (28 june) lettersheet to Alexandria showing a very fine "Malta Post Paid" handstamp (MPP-2c), and French P.O. Alexandria Egypt cds on reverse
213. Auktion
Eröffnung: 40 €
Verkauft für: 85 €
1840 (14 Dec.) lettersheet from London showing a very fine strike of the handstamp "31 Dec. Free" (DC-F) on front