Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
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Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 150 €
Verkauft für: 150 €
Michel 75A
Coat of Arms 50 kopeks brown lilac and green (3x) on cover from Vladivostok 24-3-1920 to a German Prisoner of War in the Nikolsk-Ussuriisk POW camp with green poster stamp of the Czechoslovakian-American YMCA military home in Vladivostok, fine/very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
Michel 75A
Coat of Arms 50 kopeks brown lilac and green (4x) on reverse of registered cover (rectangular cachet in black on front) from Okeanskaya 11-10-1920 to Triest (Italy), fine/very fine (cover shortened at left). The Okeanskaya registration handstamp is very scarce!
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 150 €
Verkauft für: 300 €
Michel 75A, 76A
Coat of Arms 50 kopeks brown and green perforated and 70 kopeks brown and orange (5x including pair) on reverse of registered cover from Nikolo-Aleksandrovka 3-3-1920 over Vladivostok to Tokyo (Japan), fine/very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 120 €
Verkauft für: 150 €
Michel 76A
Coat of Arms 70 kopeks brown and orange on censored cover from Khabarovsk (railway cancel) 16-6-1919 over Vladivostok to Kobe (Japan), very fine and attractive cover!
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 200 €
Verkauft für: 900 €
Michel 77A
Coat of Arms 1 ruble brown and orange in block of 4 on reverse of censored registered express cover from Omsk 29-10-1919 over San Francisco to Frankfort, Kentucky (USA). Part of the rate (6,50 rubles) was paid in cash (rectangular cachet in blue on front). This letter was offered several times but it was never claimed by the addressee, so finaly it was recorded in the Dead Letter Office on 20-3-1920, fine/very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 130 €
Michel 77A
Coat of Arms 1 ruble brown and orange perforated in 2 pairs on registered cover from the Yugoslav consulate in Vladivostok 15-11-1919 to Shanghai (China), fine/very fine (cover horizontal crease)
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
Michel 77B
Coat of Arms 1 ruble brown and orange imperforate on registered Russian postal stationery 7 kopeks from Blagoveshchensk 29-5-1918 to Irkutsk, very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
Michel 77B
Coat of Arms 1 ruble and orange in block of 6 with cupon gutter on reverse of registered cover from Chita 11-2-1920 over San Francisco to the Danish Legation in Washington DC (USA), fine (some wrinkles and water damage)
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 140 €
Michel 77B
Coat of Arms 1 ruble brown and orange imperforate in strip of 4 on registered cover from Vladivostok 29-3-1920 to Shanghai (China), very fine (cover a little shortened at left)
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 150 €
Verkauft für: 220 €
Michel 78A
Coat of Arms 3,50 rubles in vertical pair on reverse of registered undeliverable cover from Kuenga 28-1-1920 to Derby, Connecticut (USA) with "Returned to sender" label of the New York post office and written Deported to Russia, fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 110 €
Michel 78B
Coat of Arms 3,50 rubles brown and green imperforate in pair on registered cover from Vladivostok 28-10-1919 to Kobe (Japan), fine (right stamp short at right but not touched, cover a little shortened at left) and signed Mikulski
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 300 €
Verkauft für: 300 €
Michel 113
Nicholas II 10 on 7 kopeks brown (4x) on cover from Blagoveshchensk 20-7-1919 over Japan to Buenos Aires (Argentina), fine (1 stamp perf missing, cover some wrinkles and creases). Usage of the Romanov issue in this period is extremely rare!