Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
Stom puntstempel van Herveld op Willem III 5 cent op fragment, pracht ex.
5 cent rood met brandstempel 's Gravenhage (type V201) met proefstempel 4-8 (zondag!) op fragment, pracht ex.
10 cent oranjerood tanding 11½ x 12½ in verticaal paar met variëteit tussen de zegels ongeperforeerd op groot briefdeel Rotterdam 16-4-1926, vrijwel pracht ex. (enkele miniem getinte tandjes), cat.w. 750
5 cent lila en zwart in paar met kortebalkstempel Amsterdam Effectenbeurs in blauw op fragment, pracht ex.
Delivery house cancel Karangbinangoen (DN: RR) on 5 cents dancer in pair cancelled Lamoengan 15-9-02 on piece, very fine
Djambi, Water Buffalo 5 cents with watermark with overprint type 421z in black on piece 2-7-1942, very fine. Very early use of this overprint and only a few copies known with this cancel type.
Samarinda, Water Buffalo 2½ cents, Van Konijnenburg 17½ cents, numeral 5 cents and dancer 7½ cents (2x) all with anchor overprint type 231z in black on 2 pieces 12-1-1945 and 10-2-1945, very fine
Navy Area Moluccas, Water Buffalo 2½ cents with watermark with anchor overprint type 531o in orange and Van Konijnenburg 17½ cents with pink bar and anchor overprint type 613 in green on fragment Ambon 5-12-1944, very fine