Auktion 255 September 2022
Zeitplan für Besichtigungen und Auktionen (zum öffnen klicken)
Einige Höhepunkte:
- Niederlande mit Sorten und Raritäten
- Sammlungen Van Hoek (Ausgabe 1852) und Warburg (Ausgabe 1864)
- Sammlung Van Alteren
- Ziffernabstempelungen Niederlande
- Original-Ländersammlungen einschließlich Ägypten und Sudan
- Ansichtskarten
- Numismatik, einschließlich großer Lose
- (-) Remove Übersee filter Übersee
- (-) Remove Lateinamerika filter Lateinamerika

1870 - 1940 ,the Caribbian and the Australias etc. extensive collection Antigua - Wallis & Futuna used and * including Brasil, Haïti, Nicaragua, Venezuela with better items in 1933 Amerika Schaubek album
1866 onwards nice stock with many classics including better Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina etc. in 12 stockbooks

1856/1950 classic collections Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela includding better, duplicates and some varieties in old Safe album

1853/1950 nice collections Argentina, Boliva, Colombia and Chile with better material, duplicates, miniature sheets, some covers and proofs in old Schaubek album
1860c onwards including collections Peru, Chile, Argentina, Boliva etc. with better items in 12 binders/stockbooks
1960/2005 collection */** including Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela with better items, topical issues, complete sheets in 3 stockbook and binder

1841940 A-Z collections mainly used with better North America, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia & States, Peru, Suriname etc. in 5stockbooks

1858 onwards a large number of sets and miniature sheets including better stamps, errors, varieties, Back of the Book and miniature sheets mainly from Venezuela, Ecuador and Costa Rica in stockbook
1850/1956 collection Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and other countries, large amount classic stamps in old Schaubek album
1870c. onwards mainly older material with better Brasil and Argentina in 2 small stockbooks
1870c/1960c large number of stockcards used and */** with mainly classics material including some better items, Revenues and US in box
1883/1970 collection mainly used including Chili, Colombia, Ecuador etc. in Scott album