Auktion 255 September 2022
Zeitplan für Besichtigungen und Auktionen (zum öffnen klicken)
Einige Höhepunkte:
- Niederlande mit Sorten und Raritäten
- Sammlungen Van Hoek (Ausgabe 1852) und Warburg (Ausgabe 1864)
- Sammlung Van Alteren
- Ziffernabstempelungen Niederlande
- Original-Ländersammlungen einschließlich Ägypten und Sudan
- Ansichtskarten
- Numismatik, einschließlich großer Lose
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanien (Shqipëria) (1) Apply Albanien (Shqipëria) filter
- Andorra (5) Apply Andorra filter
- Baltische Staaten (5) Apply Baltische Staaten filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (29) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bosnien und Herzegowina (1) Apply Bosnien und Herzegowina filter
- Bulgarien (България) (4) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (10) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Deutschland (71) Apply Deutschland filter
- Estland (Eesti) (1) Apply Estland (Eesti) filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (8) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankreich (81) Apply Frankreich filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (3) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Großbritannien (43) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Irland (Eire) (4) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Island (2) Apply Island filter
- Italien (19) Apply Italien filter
- Kroatien (Hrvatska) (2) Apply Kroatien (Hrvatska) filter
- Lettland (Latvija) (3) Apply Lettland (Latvija) filter
- Liechtenstein (13) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (7) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Monaco (7) Apply Monaco filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (5) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Österreich (20) Apply Österreich filter
- Osteuropa (4) Apply Osteuropa filter
- Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) (1) Apply Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) filter
- Polen (Polska) (5) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Portugal (7) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugiesische Kolonien (1) Apply Portugiesische Kolonien filter
- Rumänien (România) (4) Apply Rumänien (România) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (8) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (1) Apply San Marino filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (5) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (63) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Serbien (Srbija, Cpбиja) (2) Apply Serbien (Srbija, Cpбиja) filter
- Skandinavien (8) Apply Skandinavien filter
- Sowjetunion (Cccp) (1) Apply Sowjetunion (Cccp) filter
- Spanien (España) (14) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Tschechische Republik (Česká Republika) (1) Apply Tschechische Republik (Česká Republika) filter
- Tschechoslowakei (Československo) (7) Apply Tschechoslowakei (Československo) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (6) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (5) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Vatikanstadt (Città Del Vaticano) (5) Apply Vatikanstadt (Città Del Vaticano) filter
- Westeuropa (5) Apply Westeuropa filter
1849/1861, 10 ongebruikte zegels Leopold I, alle nagegomd en/of gerepareerd in envelop
1869/1884, 5 betere zegels Leopold II tussen OBP nrs. 35-51, alle nagegomd, in envelop
1928 'Caisse d' amortissement'' (Yv. 252) including type I, II & III Se tenant */** catv. €1000, Epreuve de luxe (1927), cover fragment and 3 used stamps on stockcards in envelope
1930 'Smiling Angel' (Yv. 254) including sheetlet with 4 ** stamps, registered cover and 2 stamps (used and *) on stockcards in envelope
1931 'Caisse d' amortissement' Yv. 269 used and epreuve de luxe (with tiny brown spots on reverse) on stockcards in envelope
1920c. 5 better cards and letters, Empire Mi. P118 used (local München, F and A card both 5.3.1920), Saar Mi. 252-254 on air mail letter to Paris, FGR 4 and 8 Pf. Posthorn with 2 Pf. Notopfer, GDR Sachsen Mi. 86A on letter and letter from Dachau 28.12.40 to Poland, all very fine in envelope
1930c. better ex. including Airmail 25 rappen - 1 franc, very fine unmounted mint with 1996 Peter Marxer certificate (cat.v. 640) and Landscapes 25 rappen - 1,20 francs, very fine unmounted mint (cat.v. 1000)
1946 Mi. 315-318 ** in blocks of 10, cat.v. 750
1862c. Sitting Helvetia 5 centimes brown on granite paper with variety double printing (Zst. nr. 45.2.01) in pair (one regular ex.) with 2021 Jean-Claude Marchand certificate and 25 centimes green on white paper with variety double print of the word Helvetia of which one reversed (Zst. nr. 40.2.01), very fine, cat.v. CHF 750 in envelope
1894-1936 better ex. including Standing Helvetia 40 centimes grey perforated 9¾ x 9¼ (Zst. nr. 69B), very fine with 2021 Jean-Claude Marchand certificate (cat.v. 700); Wilhelm Tell 10 centimes red and 15 centimes violet in vertical pair, very fine with 2021 Jean-Claude Marchand certificate (cat.v. CHF 700), Helvetia with sword 40 centimes lila type II with variety mirror print on reverse (Zst. nr. 176.1.09), very fine unmounted mint with 1991 Hans Renggli certificate (cat.v. CHF 710) and Disarmament Conference Geneva 20 centimes red lilac with variety mirror print on reverse (Zst. nr. 187.1.09), very fine unmounted mint (cat.v. CHF 500) in envelope
1911-1950c. Back of the Book better ex. unmounted mint including United Nations 5 - 70 centimes (Zst. 1.2A.01-11.2A.01) with constant variety broken E in pairs with normal stamps (cat.v. CHF 915); World Refugee Organisation, 5 centimes - 2 francs in blocks of 4 (Zst. 1-8) (cat.v. CHF 780) and Franchise stamps, 10 centimes green ((Zst. 12AIIz) on grilled chalky paper with control number 580 (cat.v. CHF 800) in envelope
1920/1935c collection of 21 commemorative cancellations mainly on picture postcards including better items, Tellknapen, Zionist congress, Schweizerische ausstellung fur Frauenarbeit, Tir Cantonal Vaudois, registered airmail etc. in enveloppe