258. Auktion, März 2024
Some highlights:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Field post WWII, Legion issues and Propaganda forgeries (including Dr. Keizer collection)
- Extensive collection of Turkey
- Postal Stationery Netherlands (including change of address cards Verhoeven collection)
- Many original country collections including British Commonwealth
Auction order
Thursday 14 March
09:00 1-314 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
350-420 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
13:00 450-953 Coins
Friday 15 March
10:00 1000-1064 Picture Postcards
10:30 1100-1611 Foreign countries, collections & stock
1800-1936 Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 16 March
09:00 2000-2367 Netherlands and colonies single lots
11:00 2500-2633 Foreign countries single lots
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanien (Shqipëria) (2) Apply Albanien (Shqipëria) filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Baltische Staaten (3) Apply Baltische Staaten filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (27) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (15) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Deutschland (120) Apply Deutschland filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (4) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankreich (40) Apply Frankreich filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (5) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Großbritannien (311) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Island (2) Apply Island filter
- Italien (8) Apply Italien filter
- Jugoslawien (2) Apply Jugoslawien filter
- Kreta (Kphth) (1) Apply Kreta (Kphth) filter
- Kroatien (Hrvatska) (6) Apply Kroatien (Hrvatska) filter
- Liechtenstein (4) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (2) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (4) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Österreich (34) Apply Österreich filter
- Osteuropa (5) Apply Osteuropa filter
- Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) (1) Apply Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) filter
- Polen (Polska) (7) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugiesische Kolonien (4) Apply Portugiesische Kolonien filter
- Rumänien (România) (2) Apply Rumänien (România) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (9) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (13) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (23) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Skandinavien (10) Apply Skandinavien filter
- Spanien (España) (9) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (58) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (11) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
1852/1940 collection used and * with better items and sets (some reprints) on album leaves in folder
1851/1900 extensive collection mostly used with many better item in good quality including Baden Mi. no. 21, Bayern almost complete incl. better Back of the Book, Braunschweig (Mi. nos.1-12), Bremen (Mi. nos. 3,15), Oldenburg (Mi.no.1), Turn and Taxis (mi. nos. 19, 36), Wurttemberg partly specialised on perforation types (incl. Mi.no.15 with Irtenkauf certificate), etc. Very nicely collected with many better items signed BPP in Leuchturm album
1887/1940 collection used and * with better items and sets on album leaves in folder
1851c. onwards collection with many better items (partly in mixed quality and some forgeries) in binder and folder
1850 onwards collection used and (*)/* with better items (Bremen, Braunschweig, Oldenburg, Hannover etc.) on album leaves
1851/1919 mostly used stock with better items, large number of stamps in 5 stockbooks and folder
1850-1939, collection including Plebiscite areas and better stamps in mixed quality in Schaubek album
1852 onwards collection German States and some German Empire including postmarks and Michel catalogue 'Plattenfehler auf dem Brustschild-marken' in stockbook and approx. 130 stockcards
1865-1920 ca., about 30 covers in small ring binder.
1851-1860 ca., collection of over 350 circulair numeral cancellations on various issues in mixed quality in ring binder
1851-1868, cancellations and some covers in folder
1850-1860 ca., collection of over 400 cog wheel cancellations (Mühlrad stempel) on various values and emissions in mixed quality in ring binder