258. Auktion, März 2024
Some highlights:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Field post WWII, Legion issues and Propaganda forgeries (including Dr. Keizer collection)
- Extensive collection of Turkey
- Postal Stationery Netherlands (including change of address cards Verhoeven collection)
- Many original country collections including British Commonwealth
Auction order
Thursday 14 March
09:00 1-314 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
350-420 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
13:00 450-953 Coins
Friday 15 March
10:00 1000-1064 Picture Postcards
10:30 1100-1611 Foreign countries, collections & stock
1800-1936 Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 16 March
09:00 2000-2367 Netherlands and colonies single lots
11:00 2500-2633 Foreign countries single lots
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanien (Shqipëria) (2) Apply Albanien (Shqipëria) filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Baltische Staaten (3) Apply Baltische Staaten filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (27) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (15) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Deutschland (120) Apply Deutschland filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (4) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankreich (40) Apply Frankreich filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (5) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Großbritannien (311) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Island (2) Apply Island filter
- Italien (8) Apply Italien filter
- Jugoslawien (2) Apply Jugoslawien filter
- Kreta (Kphth) (1) Apply Kreta (Kphth) filter
- Kroatien (Hrvatska) (6) Apply Kroatien (Hrvatska) filter
- Liechtenstein (4) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (2) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (4) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Österreich (34) Apply Österreich filter
- Osteuropa (5) Apply Osteuropa filter
- Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) (1) Apply Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) filter
- Polen (Polska) (7) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugiesische Kolonien (4) Apply Portugiesische Kolonien filter
- Rumänien (România) (2) Apply Rumänien (România) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (9) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (13) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (23) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Skandinavien (10) Apply Skandinavien filter
- Spanien (España) (9) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (58) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (11) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
1840 Mulready 1d. letter sheet with advertisement from - The Envelope Select Advertiser no. 3 june 10, 1840 - in blue printed inside, sent from Burslem to Cheadle with a Newcastle under Lyme arrival cancel Jy 30 1840, a fine item with some imperfections and cancelled by a Maltese Cross in red, cat. £850
1840 1d. plate 3 grey-black SH, good to very large margins with parts of 2 neighbouring stamps, and a good strike of the maltese cross in red, minor ironed out crease (mentioned for accuracy only) cat. £ 525+
1881 Postally used fiscal on envelope sent registered from Ipswich 1881 to Hannover Germany bearing a 1d. Inland Revenue, 1d. plate 114, 1d. Lilac (14 dots), 1d. Venetian red and 3d. rose plate 21, a very colourfull and attractive combination cover paying the correct rate of 2d. registration and 5d. double rate
1882 £5 orange watermark Large Anchor plate 1 (BG), a fine example (minor imperfections, nevertheless very presentable) cancelled with a very good strike of the Glasgow cds 1894, cat. £ 3500
1877 2½d. rosy mauve plates 8 and 9, on registered envelope (2d.) tied by the scarce Mortimer E80 numeral sent via Reading (there additionally franked with the plate 9) and Ostende to Berlin 1878 (R label über Bahnpost 1 Holzminden-Berlin), a very fine fresh envelope
1876 8d. orange, a very fine example on envelope tied by the Bath duplex 28-11-1878 sent via Brindisi to Bareilly North West Provinces India (adressed to George Grant in charge of the Central Jail) on reverse Sea Postoffice and Bareilly cds, a fresh envelope with some minor imperfections, cat. £ 625
1881 Postally used fiscal on registered envelope sent from London 1889 to Paris France bearing a 1d. Inland Revenue (perfin C.I.H. & S), ½d. vermillion, 1d. Venetian red (perfin C.I.H. & S), 3d. purple/yellow, and 1s. dull green, a very colourfull and attractive combination cover paying the correct rate of 7x 2½d and 2d. registration rate, cover small imperfections
1895 Postally used fiscal on envelope (opened at right) sent registered from Cardiff 1895 to Germany bearing two 1d. Inland Revenue (both with perfin) and a 10d. Jubilee (corner marginal), several redirections, very scarce usage
1913 Seahorses £1 green, a fine to very fine used ex. with an oval registered postmark, cat. £ 1400
1976 Elisabeth 9p. deep violet error - imperf - block of four, unmounted mint, cat. £ 360
1860 Probate Court 3d., 6d., 1s., 2s.6d., 5s., 10s., £1 and £5 Ultramarine all overprinted Specimen, a fine to very fine unmounted mint set
1866 Matrimonial Cause 1s., 2s.6d., 5s., 10s. and £1 Ultramarine all overprinted Specimen, a fine to very fine unmounted mint set (£1 a few gumbends and gum lightly toned)