258. Auktion, März 2024
Some highlights:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Field post WWII, Legion issues and Propaganda forgeries (including Dr. Keizer collection)
- Extensive collection of Turkey
- Postal Stationery Netherlands (including change of address cards Verhoeven collection)
- Many original country collections including British Commonwealth
Auction order
Thursday 14 March
09:00 1-314 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
350-420 Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
13:00 450-953 Coins
Friday 15 March
10:00 1000-1064 Picture Postcards
10:30 1100-1611 Foreign countries, collections & stock
1800-1936 Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 16 March
09:00 2000-2367 Netherlands and colonies single lots
11:00 2500-2633 Foreign countries single lots
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanien (Shqipëria) (2) Apply Albanien (Shqipëria) filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Baltische Staaten (3) Apply Baltische Staaten filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (27) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (15) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Deutschland (120) Apply Deutschland filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (4) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankreich (40) Apply Frankreich filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (5) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Großbritannien (311) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Island (2) Apply Island filter
- Italien (8) Apply Italien filter
- Jugoslawien (2) Apply Jugoslawien filter
- Kreta (Kphth) (1) Apply Kreta (Kphth) filter
- Kroatien (Hrvatska) (6) Apply Kroatien (Hrvatska) filter
- Liechtenstein (4) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (2) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (4) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Österreich (34) Apply Österreich filter
- Osteuropa (5) Apply Osteuropa filter
- Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) (1) Apply Ostrumelien (Южha Бългapия) filter
- Polen (Polska) (7) Apply Polen (Polska) filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugiesische Kolonien (4) Apply Portugiesische Kolonien filter
- Rumänien (România) (2) Apply Rumänien (România) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (9) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (13) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (23) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Skandinavien (10) Apply Skandinavien filter
- Spanien (España) (9) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (58) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (11) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
1867-1872 a fine group of multiples all cancelled with fine to very fine cds strikes (6 pairs and 2 strips of three), cat. £ 1730+
1870 4d. deep vermillion plate 12, a superb strip of three bottom marginal with inscription - POSTAGE F - and 2 superb strikes of the London Somerset House W.C. cds 1872 cat. £ 225++
1885 6d. lilac plate 5, a fine example with the error watermark reversed cancelled with a good strike of the Irish 186 Dublin numeral, including 2010 RPS certificate, mentioned in SG but without a price indication
1865 9d straw, a fine group of three examples including a left and a right wing margin, cat. £ 1800
1867 9d. straw plate 4, a very fine example cancelled with a crisp strike of the London E.C. Goswell Rd. cds 1872, cat. £ 325+
1867 9d straw, two examples, a left and a right wing margin with superb strikes of the Thorverton and Hereford cds, cat. £ 600+
1867 10d brown, a fine group of five examples with cds (4x) and Beyrout G06 numeral, including wing margins (4x) cat. £ 1780+
1871 1s. green plate 6 KB, a very fine example with the error - Double plate number (right) - in pair with normal example KC (some nibbled perfs.) cancelled with a superb strike of the Manchester Royal Exchange 1872, cat. £ 445+
1867-1881 1s. green plates 4-13 and 1s. orange-brown plate 13 (incl. SG 151 2x) a fine group of totally 34 examples and 1 pair with many good to superb cds strikes, many wing margins, the error - extended tail to 5 - (Spec. J105b) and a 1999 RPS certificate, cat. £ 5600+
1867 2s. blue, a fine group of 5 examples with cds (4x), including wing margins (4x) cat. £ 1125+
1880 2s. brown plate 1 (NI), a very fine wing margin example cancelled with a good strike of the London cds 1880 (difficult as such), including 2006 David Brandon certificate, cat. £ 4250
1880 2s. brown plate 1 (JD), a very fine wing margin example cancelled with an indistinct numeral, including 2009 RPS certificate, cat. £ 4250