Auction 217
September 28 - October 5, 2013
- (-) Remove France and Colonies filter France and Colonies
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Auction 217
Opening: 250 €
Sold for: 540 €
type (E) 166 ex. (6 ex. without postmarks, 2 ex. with 2 postmarks), including Specimen sans valeur 12 ex.
Auction 217
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 190 €
types franco colonial 11 ex., type de l'union française 8 ex. (1 ex. without postmark), type capteao 10 ex. (1 ex. without postmark)
Auction 217
Opening: 800 €
uitgebreide collectie met betere ex. en series w.b. kantoren in China in 4 Scott albums en op groot aantal bladen, kwaliteit deels gemengd
Auction 217
Opening: Make an Offer
Sold for: 60 €
in 3 insteekboeken en map