Auction 219
May 17 -24, 2014
- All World (11) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (127) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- CEPT (25) Apply CEPT filter
- Eastern Europe (6) Apply Eastern Europe filter
- Europe (766) Apply Europe filter
- European countries (9) Apply European countries filter
- German Territories (8) Apply German Territories filter
- Great Britain and colonies (7) Apply Great Britain and colonies filter
- Japanese Occupation Dutch East Indies (9) Apply Japanese Occupation Dutch East Indies filter
- Koninkrijk (38) Apply Koninkrijk filter
- Literature (12) Apply Literature filter
- Miscellaneous (19) Apply Miscellaneous filter
- Nederland en O.R. (63) Apply Nederland en O.R. filter
- Netherlands and Colonies (1231) Apply Netherlands and Colonies filter
- NL Halfrond-francostempel (60) Apply NL Halfrond-francostempel filter
- NL Puntstempel (13) Apply NL Puntstempel filter
- Overseas (213) Apply Overseas filter
- Overzeese Rijksdelen (27) Apply Overzeese Rijksdelen filter
- Republic Java (12) Apply Republic Java filter
- Republic Sumatra (15) Apply Republic Sumatra filter
- Stamp accessories (14) Apply Stamp accessories filter
- Topic fantasy (11) Apply Topic fantasy filter
- Topic Space (8) Apply Topic Space filter
- Topics (15) Apply Topics filter
- Various Countries (181) Apply Various Countries filter
Displaying 2641 - 2652 of 3275
Auction 219
Opening: 200 €
collectie 1945-1992 deels zowel gestempeld als */** verzameld in 2 KaBe albums
Auction 219
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
collectie 1852-1990 meest */** in 2 Davo albums
Auction 219
Opening: 125 €
Sold for: 125 €
collectie 1859-1999 oudste gedeelte gemengde kwaliteit in 2 Schaubek albums
Auction 219
Opening: 100 €
collectie 1945-1986 en Man 1973-1986, gestempelde collecties
Auction 219
Opening: 75 €
collectie 1852-1997 meest * in Schaubek album
Auction 219
Opening: 75 €
Sold for: 75 €
collectie 1873-1995 */** in Davo album, tevens insteekboek doubletten
Auction 219
Opening: 40 €
Sold for: 40 €
collectie vanaf 1852 in ringband
Auction 219
Opening: Make an Offer
Sold for: 22 €
blokken van 4 ** in ringband
Auction 219
Opening: 800 €
collectie 1899-1989 zowel gestempeld als */** verzameld met vele betere ex. en series in 3 Schaubek albums
Auction 219
Opening: 750 €
Sold for: 750 €
collectie 1850-1949 met vele betere ex. en series, veldpost, gebieden, Bosnië & Herzegowina etc. in Schaubek album
Auction 219
Opening: 500 €
collectie 1850-1993 gestempeld later */** met betere ex. en series in 3 Davo albums