Auction 247 October 2020 - Van Erp
We are proud to present to you the coin and medal collection of Dr. J.P. van Erp. This collection has its origins in the 1930s and was put together over a lifetime with considerable knowledge and understanding of rarity and quality.
The fact that van Erp was a numismatic authority is not just proven by the collection but above all by his contributions to numismatics. In addition to various publications, including in the year book of the Royal Dutch Numismatic Society, and numerous lectures, he was the first in the telephone directory to be invited to visit regional coin finds.
During several decades, many interesting pieces were researched and purchased, many of them from Jacques Schulman in Amsterdam, with whom much knowledge was shared.
The collection has many highlights:
• Classical coins with a run of superb portraits of Roman emperors
• Extensive collection of the coins of Brabant with many extraordinary items
• Multiple rarities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
• Dutch historical medals including Van Berckel
• European historical medals including a wide selection of Papal medals as well as the Trinity medal
• Rare numismatic literature
Various Countries penningen, waarbij vele betere exemplaren in doosje
Miscellaneous penningen, Religie, prijsmedaille, enkele munten, contemporaine vervalsing Zweden 1559 etc. w.b. zilveren ex. Totaal 11 exemplaren in doosje
Miscellaneous Collectie afslagen in tin en afgietsels in gips van diverse penningen
Miscellaneous Varia, loodjes etc in doosje
Historiepenningen Lot van 4 (lak-)zegels, het grootzegel van ´s-Hertogenbosch, weldadigheidszegel en 2 afdrukken van het zegel van het Chirurgijnsgilde. Een gravure met afbeeldingen van o.m. het grootzegel complementeert het interessante geheel.
Miscellaneous Handgeschreven medische bul met lakstempels, 15e eeuw, Lakzegel Bohemen Karel I 1346-1378, als Karel IV Keizer van Duitsland in ijzeren doosje, en wat moderne lakstempels in doos
France papiergeld, asignaten waarbij betere ex.
German Empire papiergeld, Lieban album, emergency notes, some Reichsbanknoten added
Aandelen, obligaties Diverse aandelen in witte map
Muntbenodigdheden Oud ivoren schroefdoosje doorsnede 53mm voor twee penningen
Muntbenodigdheden penningen, Houten penningdoosje met gesneden afbeelding 'Retour de Chasse de Henri IV, prachtig doosje
Muntbenodigdheden Diverse penningdoosjes, gedraaid hout, ivoor, en penningstandaardjes, vele exemplaren in grotere doos