Auction 250-253 September 2021
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Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 60 €
Sold for: 75 €
SG 1 var
1889 1d. carmine overprinted in black, top corner marginal block of four, one ex. showing the variety damaged e (R.1/10) with David Crocker certificate 1998
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 140 €
Sold for: 340 €
SG 21a-24a
0 1
1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. - 6d. set of 4 in lower left corner blocks of 4 from plate 1, each containing 1x the constant variety "extra flagstaff" (pos. R.9/1) the 1d. block is unmounted mint, the others mounted mint with pencilled arrow in margin, very fine set, cat.v. £ 714+
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 240 €
Sold for: 750 €
SG 21c-24c
1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. - 6d. set of 4 in upper right corner blocks of 4 from plate 3, each containing 1x the contant variety "lightning conductor" (pos. R.2/5) stamps all unmounted mint (some hinge remnants in margin 6d.), cat.v. £ 1134+
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 140 €
Sold for: 280 €
SG 48a
1949 UPU 1½ d. blue with the error "A" of "CA" missing from watermark (trace of tail remaining as always) with Murray Payne certificate 2017, cat.v. £ 750
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
SG 65 var
1961 New currency overprints ½ c. on ½ d. in imprint plate block of 8 with the error surcharge shifted up to 5mm to left, few split perfs. at centre of the block (not mentioned in Van der Molen)
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 600 €
Sold for: 1.200 €
SG 65a
1961 New currency overprints ½ c. on ½ d. type I surcharge inverted a right hand marginal copy with pencil mark on reverse of margin "row 8" , very fine unmounted mint from the only sheet recorded (42 ex. were type I in a sheet of 60 ex.), cat.v. £ 1900
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 700 €
Sold for: 1.300 €
SG 65ba
1961 New currency overprints ½ c. on ½ d. type II surcharge inverted a left hand marginal copy, lightly numbered (11) on face of the margin, very fine unmounted mint from the only sheet recorded (18 ex. were type II in a sheet of 60 ex.), cat.v. £ 1900++. Provenance: Talbot Cox
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 1.500 €
Sold for: 3.000 €
SG 66a pair
1961 New currency overprints 1c. on 1d. surcharge double a marginal vertical pair with plate number 1a and small part imprint, very fine unmounted mint from the only sheet recorded (60 ex.), cat.v. £ 4500+. Provenance: Talbot Cox
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 150 €
SG 67 var
0 1
1961 New currency overprints 2c. on 2d. in imprint plate block of 12 with the error showing progressive downward shift of the surcharge, hinge remnants on 2 ex., others unmounted mint (Van der Molen p. 290)
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 1.500 €
Sold for: 4.000 €
SG 73a pair
1961 New currency overprints 10c. on 1s. surcharge double a marginal vertical pair with plate number 1 and small part imprint, very fine unmounted mint from the only sheet recorded (60 ex.), cat.v. £ 5000+. Provenance: Talbot Cox
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 1.000 €
SG 74ab
1961 New currency overprints 25c. on 2s.6d. type II surcharge double, one albino a very fine unmounted marginal pair with BPA certificate 1967, cat.v. £ 2000. Provenance: Peter van der Molen 2015
Auction 250-253 September 2021
16th - 18th September in Amstelveen
Opening: 500 €
Sold for: 850 €
SG 74b pair
1961 New currency overprints 25c. on 2s.6d. type II (bottom left and width 8.4 mm) marginal pair from the foot of the sheet with margin cut to show full imprint, very fine unmounted mint, creases in margin where folded prior to recutting of margin, a very rare positional multiple, cat.v. £ 1800+. Provenance: Talbot Cox