Auction 259 September 2024
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Many original country collections. Large selection of good quality classic coins.
Auction order
Friday 13 September
Times (all times CET) | Lot numbers | Auction part |
09:00 | 1-199 | Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock |
11:00 | 250-303 | Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes |
12:00 | 400-902 | Foreign countries, collections & stock |
16:00 | 1200-1325 | Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes |
Saturday 14 September
Times (all times CET) | Lot numbers | Auction part |
10:00 | 2000 – 2223 | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
12:00 | 2300 – 2342 | Foreign countries single lots |
13:00 | 2500 – 2759 | Coins |
16:00 | 2800 – 2893 | Picture Postcards |
17:00 | 2900 – 2933 | Literature |
- All World (47) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (101) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (370) Apply Europe filter
- Literature (35) Apply Literature filter
- Netherlands and Colonies (479) Apply Netherlands and Colonies filter
- Numismatics (260) Apply Numismatics filter
- Overseas (119) Apply Overseas filter
- Postcards (99) Apply Postcards filter
- Thematics (33) Apply Thematics filter
- Foreign Countries Collections (502) Apply Foreign Countries Collections filter
- Main Catalog (269) Apply Main Catalog filter
- Numismatics (260) Apply Numismatics filter
- Boxes (218) Apply Boxes filter
- Netherlands Collections (200) Apply Netherlands Collections filter
- Picture Postcards (99) Apply Picture Postcards filter

1850-1920, ca. 30 poststukken w.b. 1e en 2e emissie, kwitantie, pakketkaart etc. in map en envelop
1852 1e emissie nrs. 1-2 (42x w.b. één paar en nr.1 op brief) zowel met franco en halfrondstempels w.b. betere ex., breedgerand etc. op 3 insteekkaarten in envelop
1852-1864, 5 halfrond-franco stempels w.b. Delft, Vlaardingen, Enschede, Assen en Maastricht. Tevens nr. 5 op couvert in envelop

1852-1944 collectie met beter materiaal (nr. 29 met puntstempel 152) in Davo album

1852-1962 voorraad gestempeld w.b. beter ex. in voorraadboek

1852-1980ca. collectie gestempeld w.b. iets betere ex. in Importa album

1852-1981 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere ex. en Back of the Book (luchtpost) in Davo album

1852-1984 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere ex. in Leuchtturm album

1852/1960 stempelcollectie, deels in gemengde kwaliteit in 3 stockboeken
1864 Willem III engros gestempeld w.b. paren in deels gemengde kwaliteit op 2 insteekbladen in map

1867 en later collectie plaatfouten, druktoevalligheden etc. in insteekboek
1869 Rijkswapen ½ cent bruin t/m 2½ cent violet alle * met opdruk specimen in gemengde kwaliteit met certificaat NVPH 2004, cat.w. 1950 in envelop