Auctions 223-224
March 9-12, 2016
- (-) Remove British Commonwealth filter British Commonwealth
- British Colonies and Offices Abroad (2) Apply British Colonies and Offices Abroad filter
- Canada (2) Apply Canada filter
- Ghana (1) Apply Ghana filter
- Gibraltar (1) Apply Gibraltar filter
- Hong Kong (2) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Kenya (1) Apply Kenya filter
- Leeward Islands (1) Apply Leeward Islands filter
- Malaysia (2) Apply Malaysia filter
- Malta (16) Apply Malta filter
- Mauritius (2) Apply Mauritius filter
- South Africa (1) Apply South Africa filter
Displaying 1 - 12 of 31
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 30 €
6 M
Aerogramme 6d Fire Crowned Bishop commercially used with the colour green omitted and another ex. with a major yellow colour shift, both very fine
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 200 €
Sold for: 820 €
SG 11,12
1868 : Cover from Yokohama to Amsterdam with British P.O.Yokohama cds on reverse (June 27), franked with Hong Kong 1863/71 8c.dull orange and 12c. pale greenish blue (both with imperfections), tied by bold strikes of the B62 obliterators in black with Hong Kong cds on reverse (July 8), via Marseille (Aug 21) and with Amsterdam arrival in red. A fine and scarce usage to an unusual destination. Provenance: The "Amsterdam" archive
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 1.000 €
Sold for: 2.200 €
SG Z33,Z38
1869 : Cover from Yokohama to Amsterdam with British P.O. Yokohama cds on reverse (July 26), franked with Hong Kong 1863/71 4c. grey (14x14) and 24 c. green tied by bold strike of the " Y1 " obliterator. Hong Kong transit on reverse with Amsterdam arrival cds (Sept 20). Some aging around perfs. but a fine and rare cover to a most unusual destination. Provenance: The "Amsterdam" Archive
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 75 €
Sold for: 75 €
SG 111 etc.
6 M
1935 Crash cover Nairobi 3-11-1935 to Germany by Imperial Airways. The aircraft hit a tree when taking of from Kisumu Aerodrome. Nierinck 351103A, very fine
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 400 €
Sold for: 540 €
SG 1 etc.
Victoria, Edward VII and George V, covers and postal stationary with many better items including registered, destinations, mixed frankings etc., totally 43 items
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 160 €
SG 144 etc.
A very attractive cover send registered from Labuan 29 jan 1909 with the 4 on 12 cents (2x), 4 on 16 cents (2x), 4 on 18 cents (2x and 1x on reverse), 8 cents (2x) and 10 cents to Singapore
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 750 €
Sold for: 6.000 €
SG Z76
1857 : Cover from Haager & Schuurman Batavia Netherlands Indies to Amsterdam franked by India 1856 4a. black (SG 45) tied by good strikes of the " B/172 " obliterators of Singapore (red datestamp on reverse), mailed via Triest with framed " 6¼ " (silbergroschen) handstamp in blue (Van der Linden fig. 3092) of transit on front. Fresh and fine cover. Provenance: The "Amsterdam" Archive
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 100 €
1825 (18 Jan) lettersheet from Rome showing a very fine strike of the rare postage due handstamp "Feb 3 T:2 (2 Tari)" (DC-T2) on reverse
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 160 €
SG 71
Asciak village postmark 17-9-1917 on George V ½d. on newspaper wrapper ½d. to Bengal India with Maltese censormark no. 4165, some small imperfections but rare foreign destination
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 100 €
Sold for: 110 €
Asciak village postmark 27-8-1919 on George V 1d. postcard to Bern Switzerland with Maltese censormark no. 4167, some overall aging.
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 400 €
Sold for: 920 €
SG 47
Caccia (Gozo) village postmark 14-4-1910 on Edward VII ½d. on cover to Zebbug, backstamped Victoria and Valletta 14-4-1910, flap on reverse missing and tear, extreme rare on cover, to our knowledge no record of one so fine, Proud 7000 pts. with BPA certificate 1989
Auctions 223-224
Opening: 150 €
Sold for: 150 €
SG 38
Casal Lia village postmark 21-1 (year omitted) on Edward VII ½d. green on picture postcard via Valetta to Sliema with Postmen's Personal Handstamp PHS-10 (Sliema), a scarce postmark, very fine