244. Auktion
11. - 13. Juni 2020
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Anzeige von 1 - 12 von 922
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
I.C.C. Dutch Mission. Postal Stationery Skanderbeg 5 qint from Vlonë 17-12-1913 to Assen (Netherlands) with the cachet of the Dutch Mission in violet, fine (some wrinkles and one stamp missing). The card was written by Colonel Thomson, the second-in-command of the mission, who was killed in action in June 1914.
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 75 €
World War I, prisoner of war card from camp Mauthausen (Oberösterreich), purple Offiziersstation für Kriegsgefangene/ in Mauthausen to Italy by Red Cross, written 19.3.16, arrival 20.4.16, 4 different censor markings
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 80 €
Michel 18
Franz Joseph 10 centimes red on picture postcard from Saloniki 11-1-1913 to Amsterdam (Netherlands) with special cachet Ambulance de la Croix Rouge Neerlandaise en Grece in red, very fine
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
Fe 1I
Coat of Arms 1 kreuzer black, lithographic printing, perforated 10½, on local newspaper wrapper K. und K. MILIT POST SARAJEWO XXXII 23/12/96 (23 inverted), very fine, cat.v. 700
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 150 €
Fe 4I, 3II
Coat of Arms 2 kreuzer yellow typographic printing perforated 10½ and 3 kreuzer green lithographic printing perforated 10½, mixed franking on cover K. und K. MILIT. POST PRIJEDOR 14/3/96 to Linz, on reverse transit Zadar/Zara, very fine
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 150 €
Verkauft für: 150 €
Fe 8II
Coat of Arms 20 kreuzer olivegreen typographic printing, perforated 10½ on reverse off registered letter K.und K. MILIT. POSTXVIII DOL.TUZLA 25/11/96 to Munich, (10 kreuzer postage and 10 kreuzer registration fee), fine/very fine (small crease) with 2001 Jovan Velickovic certificate, cat.v. 2250 Very rare single franking!

244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 600 €
Verkauft für: 600 €
collection of 19 covers and cards 1882-1906 with Coat of Arms issues including 2 wrappers with the ½ kreuzer. and 2 registered covers
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 150 €
Fe 33
Landscapes 10 heller red perforation 13½ with K. und K MILIT. POST SARAJEWO 5/3/08 on cover to Vienna with arrival cancel, very fine. Rare perforation on cover!

244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 700 €
Verkauft für: 700 €
Fe 1, 3
collection of 8 reply coupons, all used with arrival cancels, number 1 (3 different types incuding 26.10.1907 first month of issue), 3 with changed rates, 5x changed, (33, 38, 52, 66 and 50), 28 to 52, 28 to 33 and 52 and number 3 (2x), all very fine
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 300 €
Verkauft für: 340 €
collection of over 200 (un)used picture postcards (including better cancellations) in album
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 75 €
Michel 559 etc
Esperanto envelop with colourful franking from Sofia 20-4-1947 addressed to the later famous Dutch prime-minister Willem Drees (Pm 1948-1958) in Amsterdam (NL)., very fine
244. Auktion
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 600 €
Postal stationary Junk 4 cents red from Chengdu 1-4-1923 over Shanghai to Bonn (Germany) and returned as dead letter to China, fine (somewhat smudgy and some wrinkles)