245.-246. Auktion
24.-26. September 2020
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12 books/publications including The Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps by Robson Lowe, vol. I ,III and IV, publications about the Ottoman Empire, etc. in small box
Austria. 14 books/publications including Ferchenbauer Spezial in 4 volumes (Vienna 2008), Postablagen in Österreich by Gerhard Kühnel (Vienna 2005), Zivilpost-Zensur in Österreich-Ungarn 1914-1918 by Horst Thielk (Graz 2000), 100 Jahre Österreichische Portomarken by Ernst Bernardini (Vienna 1994) etc.
Italian States, 7 books including The Postal History of Sicily by Guido Bolaffi and Repubblica di Venezia Vol. I and II
France 5 books Michele Chauvet, Les relations de la France avec l'Angleterre 1670-1849, avec l'Espagne 1660-1849, avec Suisse 1669-1849 and Introduction à l'histoire postale 1 and 2
WWII 12 books, maps etc. about censorship and air mail including Netherlands and Scandinavia
Hong Kong. The Philatelic and Postal History of Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports of China and Japan by F.W. Webb, reprint 1991 in very good condition.
and information about forgeries, including copy of Weeds album
Forgeries, 17 books including FFE 15-18 and Madame Joseph Revisited
Storia Postale del Regno di Napoli, part I, II and III in cassette
Mexico. 5 books including The Postmarks of Mexico 1874-1900 by Karl Schimmer (Elmhurst 1977), The Stamps of the Mexican Revolution 1913-1916 by Nicholas Follansbee (Chicago 1996) and Sellos Postales de Mexico by Guillermo Celis (Mexico City 1974)
various titles including Ferchenbauer Austria 1850-1918 (2000 issue), Doar Ivri by Tsachor (1985) etc.
various countries, 25 books including Great Britain The reform of the Post Office Vol. I and II by Gavin Fryer