Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
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Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 100 €
Verkauft für: 120 €
Michel 15-16
2 M
Compania Columbiana de Navigacion Aera $ 0.10 light brown red, imperforate, in vertical strip of 4 with tete-beche pair, very fine, cat.v. 340++
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 75 €
6 M
1936 Crashmail Nierinck 360925b, Imperial Airways flight London - Paris, 25 september, The plane (Boulton & Paul P71A named "Boadicea") left Croyden around noon but disappeared while crossing the Channel. It was never found. A mail bag was found on the beach at Cucq (near Calais) France, one month after the disappearence. On reverse of the cover the red cachet and labels from the French post, on front the arrival mark Nairobi november 9th and the blue cachet - DELAYED SALVED FROM BOADICEA, a fine cover. cat v. CHF 750
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 120 €
Verkauft für: 120 €
Michel 2280-2290, 2315-2316, 2421
0 M
Airmail 20 filler - 20 forint imperforate, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. 1420
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 300 €
Verkauft für: 380 €
Michel block 1
1 M
Airmail. Exhibition Tokyo miniature sheet 9½ - 33 sen, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 2000
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 150 €
Verkauft für: 280 €
Michel block 1
1 M
Airmail. Exhibition Tokyo miniature sheet 9½ - 33 sen, fine/very fine mounted mint (hinge traces visible at front), cat.v. 2000
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 100 €
Michel 76A, 105
6 M
Airplane 20 roubles blue and Coat of Arms 25 santimi ultramarine on express Airmail cover from Riga 4-7-1925 to Amsterdam, additionaly franked with Dutch stamps and forwarded to Laren (Netherlands), fine/very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 200 €
Zst 3-12
0 1 M
Airmail 15 centimes - 1 franc in blocks of 4 in which 2 stamps unmounted mint in special booklet En souvenir de la première conférence sur la post aérienne LA HAYE septembre 1927, very fine
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 400 €
Verkauft für: 850 €
Scott C13-C15
0 M
Airmail. Graf Zeppelin 65 cents - 2,60 dollars, very fine unmounted mint (some gum wrinkles and no. C14 brown spot in gum), cat.v. $ 1750
Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 75 €
Verkauft für: 140 €
6 M
14 better Airmail covers including British Commonwealth, Japan, Islandfahrt etc.

Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 200 €
Verkauft für: 280 €
6 M
24 postcards and covers mainly Zeppelins including Sudamerikafahrt, Islandfahrt etc. in ring binder

Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 500 €
Verkauft für: 2.200 €
6 M
Airmail, specialized collection of the Curtiss Jenny set Scott nos. C1-C3 including a.o. C2 in used plateblock of 9, C3 in used and unused center line block of 4 and about 40 covers including 1 ex. with forged autographs of presidents Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt and polar explorer Robert Peary in 3 ring binders. Unluckily all the orange 6 cents stamps in this collection are oxydized, due to the plastic used in the album

Auktion 248.-249. April 2021
8.-10. April 2021 in Amstelveen
Eröffnung: 300 €
Verkauft für: 1.100 €
6 M
Pan American Airways Clippers, collection of about 50 covers 1939-1945 from various countries including the Baltics, China, various African countries etc. all censored in ring binder