260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |
1931 Dornier DO-X vluchten (2x) met Nederlandse frankering w.b. DVH 77g in envelop
1921-1951 luchtpost series meest nagegomd op insteekkaart in envelop

1920-2000ca. collectie luchtpost w.b. iets betere ex. (o.a. zeppelin- en katapultvluchten: D. “Bremen” 2-8-1929 and 29-4-1930), helikopterpost etc. in album

1928-1930 collectie poststukken die per proefvlucht zijn verzonden tussen Nederlands Indië en Nederland w.o. diverse trajectpost, frankeringen, bestemmingen, propellorstempels, aangetekend, stempels etc. totaal 40 ex. in album
Herkomst : Collectie Jan Hintzen

1929-1960ca. poststukken luchtpost w.b. Bernhard fonds, Snip 1934 met handtekeningen bemanning etc. totaal ca. 45 ex. meest getint

1929-1947, 7 better Airmail covers in envelop including 2 Zeppelin covers . Added unfranked "Dienstsache Morogoro-Dar es Salaam 15-4-1908 (German East Africa)
1927-1930, Airmail Turul 12 filler - 5 pengö Mi. nrs. 430-437 and 467-470 in unmounted mint sheet parts of 45 in folder, cat.v. 4050 in folder

13 aerograms including rare overprint "THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN" 1979, Shah provisional issues in envelope

aerograms, 16 unused, different pieces, including Shah provisionals and overprint issues in envelope

1957-90, approx. 130 covers and stationery, early overprinted frankings and many different registration labels of small villages, many air mails and aerograms in album
Juliana 30 cent luchtpostblad (G8) met variëteit - droogdruk - enkele kreukjes overigens pracht ex.
Juliana 25 centluchtpostblad(G25) met droogdruk
Cijfer 2 cent grijs (randstrip van drie) en Wilhelmina 60 cent blauw beide met de variëteit - harmonicavouw - op aangetekende luchtpost briefkaart - by imperial airmail - van Batavia via Singapore naar den Haag, pracht ex.