260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |

Surcharges 1890 & 1891: ½ d. on 1 d. grey, 7½ d. on 6 d. brown and 12½ d. on 1 s. red. The primarily unused collection with many pages ex Hutson collection, with ½ d. on 1 d. grey with 47 unused stamps including blocks of four unused (4) and a used block of twelve, flaws and varieties as noted by Hutson; 7½ d. on 6 d. brown with 63 unused stamps incl. blocks of four (7), different perf. varieties, items showing "E" of HALFPENNY broken or missing, 12½ d. on 1 s. red with 49 unused stamps incl. blocks of four (5), perf. varieties etc., together with an album pages with 1890 Allegorical 2½ d. ultramarine with unused examples (6). A charming lot SG £ 1.400+
1871/1902: Sideface, the unused study collection on leaves, wmk. Crown over NSW, with shades and perf. variations throughout with 1 d. salmon and dull red (6), 2 d. blue (3), 6 d. mauve and pale lilac (5), 9 d. on 10 d. red-brown (4, incl. a pair), scarce 1 s. black (3), condition generally fair to fine, a fine lot (20 items)
1882/97: Sideface & Diadem Issue, wmk. Crown over NSW, the unused collection with shades and perforation varieties throughout, with 1 d. orange to scarlet including a perf. 10 block of four, 2 d. pale blue with fine range (7 stamps), 3 d. green (11, incl. margin block of four) a fine range (largely ex G. John Hutson collection), 5 d. blue-green (8, incl. margin pair) a fine range (again largely ex Hutson), scarce 8 d. yellow (top left corner thin), 9 d. on 10 d. (4) and 10 d. violet (6). Generally fair to fine, an exceptional lot

1899/1907: Unused collection balance on leaves, approaching over 60 items, with scarcer items noting 1899-1907 1/2d. green shades, 1900 2 d. Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund, 1907-11 2 d. to 2 s. range with useful representation of shades, 1907-11 Large Chalons 2s. through 5s. also with diverse range of shades, some small faults, with many fresh and fine stamps throughout
1862/67: Chalon issue by Thomas Ham, printed on thick paper, no wmk. rough perf. 13, the unused collection (6 items) with shades including 1 d. orange-vermilion (3), 2 d. blue, 3 d. brown and 6 d. green, fine appearance, one or two with imperfections. A scarce group
1868/75: Chalons unused collection, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 13, with 1 d. orange-vermilion, 1 d. pale rose, 2 d. blue Plate I (3), 2 d. blue Plate II, 6 d. yellow-green two stamps with shades. Generally fresh and fine, unused or part og. £ 940
1876/79: Chalons, recess printed, the unused collection on leaves (8 items), wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, with shades including 1 d. orange-vermilion or rose (3), 2 d. blue, Plate II, 3 d. brown, 1 s. mauve, generally fair with some vers fine, a scarce group SG £ 1.150
1879/81: Sideface Issue unused 7 stamps with shades, wmk. Crown over Q (type 5), perf. 12, with 1 d. reddish-brown, Die I; wmk. Crown over Q (type 6) with 1 d., 2 d. blue Die I, 6 d. yellow-green, very scarce 1 s. deep violet and pale lilac; a mostly fine small collection SG £ 900+ in envelope

Classic lot of six stamps including SG 19, 32 (2), 117 var. (double impression), 118 var. (overprint on top and bottom), 136 var. (design partially double), tiny imperfections. An attractive lot with Certificate Ceremuga for each stamp. SG £ 1.200++
Classic lot of mint and used stamps including SG 37, 54, 84, 119, 120, 132, 138, 174, 177, 178, 181 and more, few with tiny imperfections. An attractive lot with high catalogue value in envelope

1874/1891: "The Official Stamps" collection, predominantly unused, with 2 s. carmine in a horizontal pair, 4 d. mauve in a pair, 1 s. red-brown in a pair, later issues in blocks of four and nine, many stamps in various shades, a high range of multiples including a (SG O43) perf. 10 block of nine, (SG O34a) pair with one stamp 'No. Stop' variety, pairs with additional row of horizontal perforations etc. A highly catalogued collection largely in premium quality throughout
Classic lot of mint and used OFFICIAL stamps on album page, all overprinted “O.S.” including SG O10, O12b, O18, O23, O25, O27, O30, O31, O44, O60, O61, including varieties. Some slightly different. An attractive lot for the specialist