260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |

1934-46, sheet parts of a few stamps in large numbers, including 1934 Red Cross 72 complete ** sets in blocks in envelope

1st North Cape issue and Radium Hospital (Mi. 159-162), 4 values ** very fine in envelope

Surcharges 1890 & 1891: ½ d. on 1 d. grey, 7½ d. on 6 d. brown and 12½ d. on 1 s. red. The primarily unused collection with many pages ex Hutson collection, with ½ d. on 1 d. grey with 47 unused stamps including blocks of four unused (4) and a used block of twelve, flaws and varieties as noted by Hutson; 7½ d. on 6 d. brown with 63 unused stamps incl. blocks of four (7), different perf. varieties, items showing "E" of HALFPENNY broken or missing, 12½ d. on 1 s. red with 49 unused stamps incl. blocks of four (5), perf. varieties etc., together with an album pages with 1890 Allegorical 2½ d. ultramarine with unused examples (6). A charming lot SG £ 1.400+
1891 (July 1): Diadem 3 d. green (shades), wmk. "10", perf. 10, the unused collection with single examples (14), a pair, a marginal horizontal strip of four and blocks of four (4), generally fine to very fine, large part or unmounted og. A fine and attractive study

1899/1907: Unused collection balance on leaves, approaching over 60 items, with scarcer items noting 1899-1907 1/2d. green shades, 1900 2 d. Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund, 1907-11 2 d. to 2 s. range with useful representation of shades, 1907-11 Large Chalons 2s. through 5s. also with diverse range of shades, some small faults, with many fresh and fine stamps throughout

1895/96: Sideface unused collection on leaves, wmk. Crown over Q (type 6), perf. 12½-13, with shades and varieties incl. ½ d. green (14), 1 d. red (15) incl. three blocks of four, 2 d. blue (7) incl. a block of four, 2½ d. carmine (15) incl. two blocks of four, 5 d. brown (10) incl. a block of four; thereafter with wmk, Crown over Q (type 10) ½ d. green (17) incl. a corner block of four with double perforations variety, scarce ½ d. green perf. 12 (2), 1896 1 d. vermilion incl. a block of four etc. in folder

1897/1908: Sideface unused collection, wmk. Crown over Q (type 6), perf. 12½, with shades and varieties including ½ d. green incl. a block of four, 1 d. vermilion, 2 d. blue incl. two "Cracked Plate" varieties, 2½ d. rose incl. three blocks of four, 2½ d. brown on purple incl. a block of four, 3 d. brown incl. a block of four, 4 d. yellow, 5 d. brown, 6 d. green, 1 s. mauve incl. a block of six, 2 s. turquoise incl. a corner margin stamp with numeral margin imprint; generally fine. a good lot in folder
Tannenberg Issue 1894/1906: The unused collection with 2½ d. violet-blue and overprinted SPECIMEN, 5 d. brown-purple unused and overprinted SPECIMEN, 2½ d. violet-blue perf. 15, 5 d. brown-purple unused, 2½ d. indigo blocks of four (2) perf. 12½ and 5 d. brown-purple in a block of four, and 1899/1905 ½ d. block etc. A fine group (18 items) Gi = £ 660 in envelope
Surcharged Issue 1891/94: The unused collection with 2½ d. on 4 d. pale green (shades) with single examples (3) and a corner Plate number "1" strip of three, one example optd. SPECIMEN, 5 d. on 6 d. brown (shades) unused (4), 2½ d. on 4 d. green showing the different perf. varieties etc. (15 items) in envelope

1874/1891: "The Official Stamps" collection, predominantly unused, with 2 s. carmine in a horizontal pair, 4 d. mauve in a pair, 1 s. red-brown in a pair, later issues in blocks of four and nine, many stamps in various shades, a high range of multiples including a (SG O43) perf. 10 block of nine, (SG O34a) pair with one stamp 'No. Stop' variety, pairs with additional row of horizontal perforations etc. A highly catalogued collection largely in premium quality throughout

Pictorial Issue 1905/12: Lithographed from De La Rue plates, wmk. Crown over A, the unused collection on seven leaves with shades and perforation varieties including 2 d. violet with perf. 11, perf. compound 11 and 12, together with a fine top marginal strip of five showing the double horizontal perforations; 3 d. brown (3 stamps), 4 d. yellow-brown incl. six mint blocks of four, 6 d. lake (3 stamps), a valuable and lovely lot

Pictorial Issue 1905/11: Typographed using electrotyped plates, wmk. Crown over A, the specialized collection with shades, varieties and multiples (many ex the John Lancaster collection) including ½ d. green incl. blocks of four or six, including single perf. compound 11 and 12½. Extensive range of 1 d. red with blocks of four or larger, many items with imperf. between stamp and margin or with double perforation varieties, marginal singles. 2 d. plum incl. blocks of four with many ex Lancaster collection and a study of perf. 3 d. brown two single and pair, 6 d. carmine incl. a Cooke monogram "CA" single and block of four etc. An extensive and generally very fine collection