Auction 256 March 2023
Our 256th auction entails extensive collections and stocks of Netherlands and colonies, the first part of the impressive C. Avezaat collection (single frankings and first day covers) and the second part of the P. van Alteren collection (Dutch numeral cancellations). In addition we offer better lots foreign countries (especially French colonies), coins and picture postcards.
- All World (113) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (65) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (455) Apply Europe filter
- Literature (23) Apply Literature filter
- Netherlands and Colonies (1717) Apply Netherlands and Colonies filter
- Numismatics (90) Apply Numismatics filter
- Overseas (102) Apply Overseas filter
- Postcards (175) Apply Postcards filter
- Thematics (27) Apply Thematics filter
- Main Catalog - Collections (1158) Apply Main Catalog - Collections filter
- Single lot (291) Apply Single lot filter
- Main Catalog - Boxes (259) Apply Main Catalog - Boxes filter
- Picturepostcards (164) Apply Picturepostcards filter
- Numismatic (84) Apply Numismatic filter
- Main Catalog - Folders (9) Apply Main Catalog - Folders filter
- Picturepostcards (9) Apply Picturepostcards filter

1849/1985 collection used and */** including many better items, Bordeaux, airmail, postage dues etc. in 3 Davo albums

1849-1970c. collection used, later */** with many better classics, better airmail, block Exposition Paris 1925 etc. partly in mixed quality in 2 Davo albums
1859/1882, collection of 12 better classic covers (2 with Roumet certificates) in binder

1849/1871, collection with better stamps (a.o. Yvert nr. 33, small thin) and covers in album, partly mixed quality in album

1849/ 2015 stock mainly used with better classics (Napoleon, Bordeaux, Sage type I and II etc.), miniature sheets, back of the book and 1 stockbook with */** material including face value in 12 stockbooks

1935 specialised collection 'Croix Rouge' including 200 covers and maximum cards with forerunners and better fifties, 35 red cross booklets (incl. Yv.nos 2001-2006), épreuve de luxe (7x), ** stamps and sheet parts etc. in 3 binders

1862/2005 collection used and */** with many classics incl. better, airmail, Back of the book, booklets (about 110 ** items), miniature sheets etc. in 5 stockbooks/albums in box
1942/1995 specialised collection 'Journée du timbre' chronological arranged with better material, forerunners, imperfs., épreuves de luxe and about 150 covers, maximum cards and postcards in 3 binders
1849/2002 collection used and */** with better material (Ceres, Napoleon, Bordeaux etc.) in 3 Davo albums

1854 onwards used and */** with better Back of the Book, marginal blocks of four, large number of Napoleon stamps (partly sorted on postmarks), Colis Postal documents etc. in stockbook
1961/1995 collection paintings on stamps 'série Artistique' including better single frankings, some proofs, plate numbers and ** stamps in 7 ring binders

1888/2020 postal documents (back of the book) with a major focus on newspaper wrappers (about 130x) with some nice illustrated documents and better items (newspaper stamp 7 on complete newspaper), furthermore Preobliteres, taxe and airmail stamps on cover, nicely arranged in 5 binders