Veiling 254 maart 2022
17-19 maart 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Groot aanbod Ned.-Indië en Indonesië, incl. Weense drukken
• Uitgebreid aanbod USA en Zwitserland w.b. luchtpost
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. Russische munten

postmarks/cancellations extensive collection 1854-1940 (approx. 1700 ex.) neatly described (Jal Cooper 1948 catalogue) with better items in 2 ring binders

collection 1854-1940 used with better items, types, shades, officials, some postmarks, etc. in ring binder

1940-2000 (nearly) complete collection ** including SG 309-324, Verma & Prasad 1991, Birds 1994 set and in block of 4, Begum Akhtar 1994 in stockbook

collection 1854 - 1946 mostly used including better ex. with dies, types, shades, varieties, officials, I.E.F. with postmarks etc. on neatly described album leaves in small box

collection 1865-2009 mostly used in binder

, states, Pakistan etc. collection mostly used in stockbook

postmarks collection including used abroad with Aden, Middle East, Burma, Bushire, Mombasa, Zanzibar etc. on album leaves in small box

and States collection revenues including court fees, foreign bills, special adhesives, telegraphs etc. totally 140 ex. on album leaves in small box
stock from 1854 onwards in 2 stockbooks including SG catalogue 2004

Convention States collection Chamba to Patiala partly specialised and India overprinted stamps with Bahrain, Burma, Kuwait, British Somaliland etc. on neatly described on album leaves in small box

Feudatory States collection from Alwar to Soruth partly specialised with better material on neatly described album leaves in small box
Mahatma Ghandi 1½ anna - 10 rupee, a very fine unmounted mint set, cat.v. £ 425