Veiling 254 maart 2022
17-19 maart 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Groot aanbod Ned.-Indië en Indonesië, incl. Weense drukken
• Uitgebreid aanbod USA en Zwitserland w.b. luchtpost
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. Russische munten
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Weergave 1 - 4 van 4

Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 700 €
collection postal stationery postcards 1870-1985 (over 500 ex.) mainly used with better ex. (WI overprints, Kingdom Mi. P70 (2x), Croatia Mi. P1) including forerunners and with strength in WWII period (4x Italian occupation overprints Laibach Mi. P22, P24, 7x Italian postcards used in Lubiana including 1x registered, 1x in combination with German Laibach overprints to Holland, 3x Triest Zone B Yugoslav Occupation Mi. P1, P11), postmarks, destinations, uprated, registered, censorship, duplicates, insufficient postage etc. in 6 ring binders in box

Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 700 €
, German occupation of Serbia WWII and Croatia 1941-1945 postal stationery 1918-1955 (approx. 475 ex.) mainly used postcards including better (WI overprints, Kingdom Mi. P66, P70, P73, 1930s Photo Postcards, German occupation WWII period including Mi. P4, Croatia Mi. P1, Yugoslav Republic Mi. P91, P93), bulletins d'expéditions, registered, destinations, duplicates etc. in small box
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 60 €
Verkocht voor: 130 €
postal stationery and some covers (over 400 ex.) mainly 1950s used including some pre-war material (1935 airmail cover to Germany - Mustermesse with Ljubljana cachet), aerograms etc. in small box
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: Doe een bod
Verkocht voor: 10 €
and successor states postal stationery from approx. 1970 onwards used and unused