Veiling 254 maart 2022
17-19 maart 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Groot aanbod Ned.-Indië en Indonesië, incl. Weense drukken
• Uitgebreid aanbod USA en Zwitserland w.b. luchtpost
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. Russische munten
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- België (5) Apply België filter
- Bosnië en Herzegovina (2) Apply Bosnië en Herzegovina filter
- Bulgarije (1) Apply Bulgarije filter
- Duitsland (34) Apply Duitsland filter
- Europa (1) Apply Europa filter
- Frankrijk (23) Apply Frankrijk filter
- Groot-Brittannië (3) Apply Groot-Brittannië filter
- Hongarije (3) Apply Hongarije filter
- Italy (3) Apply Italy filter
- Joegoslavië (4) Apply Joegoslavië filter
- Liechtenstein (9) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (2) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Montenegro (1) Apply Montenegro filter
- Oost-Europa (1) Apply Oost-Europa filter
- Oostenrijk (9) Apply Oostenrijk filter
- Roemenië (1) Apply Roemenië filter
- Rusland (Poccия) (1) Apply Rusland (Poccия) filter
- Scandinavië (2) Apply Scandinavië filter
- Servië (1) Apply Servië filter
- Spanje (1) Apply Spanje filter
- Zwitserland (32) Apply Zwitserland filter

about 300 covers with many better items including Airmail, Inflation 1923, se tenants etc . in shoe box

extensive collection Third Reich 1933-1944 mainly collected on covers including better (illustrated) postcards and covers, Feldpost etc. futhermore miniature sheets, Se tenants (zusammendrucke) and Back of the Book in 4 Schaubek albums

and territories, collection of about 240 covers including better items, infla, airmail etc. in 5 ring binders

Fieldpost WWI and WWII, over 200 letters and some cards, with many different cancellations, including better
and Territories, approx. 450 covers/postal stationery including better items in box
Fieldpost WWII, 175 covers and cards with many different cancellations, in 2 small albums
collection postal stationery - Kriegsgefangenenpost - 1940-1943 with many different postmarks and censormarks, totally 64 ex. in album
Fieldpost WWI, 180 letters and cards (some illustrated), many different cancellations, in 2 small albums
and France, fieldpost WWI, about 90 postcards used and unused in small album
Fieldpost WWII, 160 letters, some with better cancellations, in small box
POW WWII postcards approx. 170 items with cards from German, Russian and British camps in 2 stockbooks
about 250 covers and postcards including Brustschilds, infla, commemoratives and fieldpost in 4 albums