Veiling 254 maart 2022
17-19 maart 2022
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Weergave 61 - 72 van 113
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 120 €
Michel block A11
Constitution of the USA miniature sheet 80 - 120 zloty with Groszy overprints, very fine unmounted mint and signed Krawczyk, cat.v. 800
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 140 €
Verkocht voor: 160 €
Michel block A1, A1 DP
Warsaw Philatelic Congress miniature sheet 5 zloty blue (2x) one showing the variety double print in the upper right ornament, very fine unmounted mint and signed Schmutz, cat.v. 1000
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 140 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Michel 1151-1155
100 years Polish stamps 40 groszy - 2,50 zloty in sheetlets of 4, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. 1000
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 160 €
Verkocht voor: 200 €
Michel block 121 I-III
Amber miniature sheet 20.000 zloty in types I, II and III, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. 1100
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 140 €
Verkocht voor: 600 €
Michel 3634-3635
Playing Cards A and B in sheetlet of 16 (Fischer 3486-3487 Ark), very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. zloty 5000 Very rare, this stamps were officially only issued in stamp booklets!
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 260 €
Verkocht voor: 260 €
Michel 885xy-896xy
0 2
Militia 20 - 100 lei in sheetlets of 4 on grey paper and on white paper, very fine without gum as issued (grey paper) and very fine unmounted mint (white paper), cat.v. 1700
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 650 €
Michel 1717-1720
World Expo Brussels 1958, 25 bani - 3,75 lei in complete sheets of 81, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. 4500+
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 80 €
Verkocht voor: 110 €
Michel 99B Ur
Ilja Muromez 1 kopeke perforated 12½ with variety imperforate at right, fine/very fine unmounted mint (light crease in margin), cat.v. 250+
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 80 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Michel 1527-1534
Appartment Buildings 8x 1 ruble, very fine unmounted mint (nr. 527 tiny light crease), cat.v. 400
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Michel 975-982
100 years Spanish stamps 50 centimos - 25 pesetas, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. 600
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 260 €
Verkocht voor: 260 €
Michel KB 2517,2518,2519
Juan Carlos 1981 miniature sheets of 100, 200 and 500 Pesetas, very fine unmounted mint
Veiling 254 maart 2022
Opening: 260 €
Verkocht voor: 260 €
Michel 3254
1995 Juan Carlos miniature sheet Mi. no. 3254 unmounted mint and 20 proofs (Prueba) of the Anniversary of the Proclamation of Don Juan and 4 proofs of 1996 Mi. no 3306-3309, without gum as issued