Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
- Brits Gemenebest (7) Apply Brits Gemenebest filter
- Europa (44) Apply Europa filter
- Gehele Wereld (57) Apply Gehele Wereld filter
- Literatuur (18) Apply Literatuur filter
- Motief (10) Apply Motief filter
- Nederland en Rijksdelen (74) Apply Nederland en Rijksdelen filter
- Overzee (20) Apply Overzee filter
- Toebehoren (2) Apply Toebehoren filter
- Topic Flora and Fauna (1) Apply Topic Flora and Fauna filter
- (-) Remove Main Catalog - Large Boxes filter Main Catalog - Large Boxes
1940/1945 German war correspondence about 100 letters in plastic box
1960c onwards exptensive ATM, Firma labels collection used on cover and */** sets and singles, with better countries; Israel, Asia, Scandinavia etc. in 8 binders/stockbooks
1852/2000 voorraad gestempeld en */** waarbij postzegelboekjes, port, stempels etc. in 7 albums/insteekboeken
including butterflies, mushrooms etc. mostly used in 11 stockbooks/binders
2003 collection including Croatia (*/**), Austria (office abroad, revenues), Bosnia, T.A.A.F, topics buildings etc. in 9 albums stockbooks
1870 - 2000 c. collections used and */** including New Zealand, Australia, Kiribati (** topics), Cocos (** topics), Malaysia, and some other countries with Indonesia in 17 stockbooks and 3 albums
1900-2000c. collections and stock used and */** including Netherlands presentation packs, fdc's etc. in 27 albums/stockbooks in 3 large boxes
1850c. onwards collections used and */** including Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Commonwealth etc. in 40 stockbooks/albums in 2 large boxes
1850c onwards including many different countries with a large number of classic stamps (Latin America, Middle East, Europe and topical birds collection in 42 stockbooks and stockcards in 2 large moving boxes

1872/1980 collection used and */** including Back of the Book in 5 stockbooks
1950c/2000c large amount ** miniature sheets and sets mainly */** material on stockcards and glassine bags in box
1900c onwards including many topical issues, miniature sheets and sets mainly */** in box