Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
- Brits Gemenebest (7) Apply Brits Gemenebest filter
- Europa (44) Apply Europa filter
- Gehele Wereld (57) Apply Gehele Wereld filter
- Literatuur (18) Apply Literatuur filter
- Motief (10) Apply Motief filter
- Nederland en Rijksdelen (74) Apply Nederland en Rijksdelen filter
- Overzee (20) Apply Overzee filter
- Toebehoren (2) Apply Toebehoren filter
- Topic Flora and Fauna (1) Apply Topic Flora and Fauna filter
- (-) Remove Main Catalog - Large Boxes filter Main Catalog - Large Boxes
Lot 1716
Brits Gemenebest
1860 onwards collection A-Z used and */** including Cyprus, Falklands, Gilbert, Hongkong, Malaysian states, Newfoundland, Omnibus issues etc. in 24 Excellent albums in 3 large boxes and 1 small one
1864-1950c. collecties en voorraad gestempeld en */** w.b. punt- en vierkantstempels, iets specialisatie etc. Tevens iets buitenland in 13 albums/insteekboeken in verhuisdoos
postal history including older material (c. 500 items) and 23 approval booklets including fdc's with topics
1850-2015c. collections mainly European countries including Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg and Greece used, later */**. In addition stock USA and Channel Islands in 20 albums/stockbooks in 2 large boxes
1880 onwards in more then 400 approval booklets in large box
1970/2019 used stock with a large number of stamps in 10 thick dealer stockbooks in 2 boxes
1858/2000 used stock including Greece (with about 120 Hermes heads), Belgium, France, Switzerland, Vatican, Fiume, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg and Portugal with older and better material in 12 stockbooks
1960 - 1995 c. stock, collections including booklets mostly ** in 6 albums and 4 stockbooks
1960/2003 collected both used and */** including a large number of sheetlets, miniature sheets, covers, blocks of 4 etc. in 19 albums/stockbooks in 2 large boxes
Horses advanced collection sorted by country used and */** including better (Vatican, Germany, Portugal), one binder with Elephants topic in 17 ring binders
1948/2000 collection used and */** including phosphor, tabs, Palestine, folders etc. in 11 stockbooks/album
1850c onwards collections and stock including Korea, Middle East, Latin America, Belgium, Germany and many more countries, Large number of stamps including older material in 54 stockbooks and envelopes in 3 large boxes and 1 smaller box