Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
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1855/1975 partly specialised collection used and later manly */** including postmarks, better sets (both UPU sets used), pairs, etc. in 3 Safe albums
1921/2006 stock partly specialised used and */** with better Back of the Book, booklets (about 140 ex.), miniature sheets, etc. in 3 stockbook, envelop and 2 boxes
1855/2011 collection used and from 1945 onwards mainly */** including booklets in 2 Davo albums and binder
1970/2009 collection with approx. 240 ** booklets in 2 Leuchttrum albums
1960 - 2000 c. booklet contents, miniature sheets etc. used with some duplicates in stockbook